Page 116 of The Sinner

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I even discussed it with my brothers and Jo. They knew what I wanted, and they were hoping it happened for me.

“Work,” she said quietly as she cut the onion in half. “Well, you could say tomorrow is a bit of a monumental day for me.”

“Why’s that?”

“It’s my last overnighter with the Daltons. A quick trip to Manhattan with Dominick before my contract ends at the end of the week.” She finished up the onions and stirred them into the meaty mix.

I added in the two jars of sauce, along with the seasoning Klark had left on the counter. I didn’t know how much of each; I just gave the bottles a heavy shake into the sauce.

“How do you feel about it coming to an end?” I asked.

“I thought I’d be sad. The end of that job signified so many changes ahead. I didn’t know where I’d end up or what I’d do or where I’d be living. And then add in the whole David fiasco, and it’s a lot to think about.”

While she worked on combining everything in the cast iron, I assumed the noodles had to be done, and I drained the water and added the spaghetti to the meat. With the large spoon, she began to marry it together.

Within a few rotations, she said, “But I’m not sad at all—don’t get me wrong; I’ll miss those guys. The Daltons were so good to me, but my next opportunity is just as amazing.” She gradually gazed up at me as I stood at her side. “Actually, it’s even better.” She leaned her body into mine. “I want to accept the job you offered, but …”

I didn’t put a hand on her.

I didn’t even kiss her.

I gave her the moment to get out whatever she needed to, making sure my mouth or fingers didn’t influence what she was about to say.

“I don’t want to sign a year contract. I want to go month to month, and I understand if that’s a hard limit for your company and you’d rather go with someone else. I just feel more comfortable with a much shorter contract.”

“No one will have an issue with that.”

Her hand went to my chest. “You have to know, it’s not that I think something bad is going to happen between us—I don’t believe that at all. But if it did, I don’t want either of us to feel like a contract was keeping me in a place that neither of us wanted me to be in.” She moved her hand to cling to my fingers. “With that said, I would never leave you high and dry. I would stay until another flight attendant was found, and I’m happy to put that in writing.”

My other hand went to her waist. “Done. Any other stipulations?”


“Come on, Lily. Don’t make it so easy on me. You must have other demands that weren’t met in the paperwork I gave you.”

She shook her head. “You almost doubled the salary the Daltons are paying me. You’re giving me more benefits than I had when I worked for a commercial airline. The housing allowance is enough that I can afford the Cole and Spade Hotel in Beverly Hills—yes, I plan to pay for it, you’re not giving it to me for free. I can even ditch the car rental and purchase a vehicle now. And the best part”—she arched her back, fully pressing us together—“I get to be with you.”

She was giving me everything I fucking wanted.

An eruption came from my throat. “And you’re good with that?”

“Beyond good.”

I felt the truth in her words. I saw it in her face.

But I just needed to double-check.

“You’re absolutely sure?”

She dropped the spoon and put both hands on my shoulders. “Not just sure. I’m positive.” She took in my eyes. “This is what I’ve wanted, a position just like the one you’re offering. I didn’t want to go back to commercial. I wanted to stay in the private sector. Why not do it here, with you … when all I want is to be with you?” Her lashes fluttered as she stared at me. “I weighed every angle. I slept on it for more than one night. And I couldn’t come up with a single reason not to take the job.”

I rubbed my nose over hers. “You’ve made me so fucking happy.”

I didn’t wait for her to respond before I slammed our lips together, the taste of her so much richer than the last time I’d done this. My tongue dipped in between her lips, circling her tongue, my hands lifting to her face, holding her cheeks, keeping us together.

“You know what I love?” I asked when I finally pulled back.

“Tell me.”
