Page 57 of Cade

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“Are you out of your mind?” Charlie says, his eyes wide as I sit across the table from him at a quiet café. I wasn’t risking doing this on the phone.

“It’s happening, Charlie, even if I don’t want it to. I’m here because I want your help. Tell me you’ll consider giving it to me.”

“Something this big will take an entire force to bring down, not just a few cops. Half of them probably work for Marshall. If he is tipped off, this entire plan will turn on you so fast you won’t get a chance to escape.”

I know the risk. “I know, but can’t you reach out to someone you trust, someone who might be able to pull it off without involving too many people?”

“I can’t promise you anything, Addison. Give me what information you have, and I’ll do my best to get a plan in place, but know this ... it could take years to bring something that big down.”

I nod. “I’m aware of that. But years is better than never. We’re going to put a tracker on the shipping container. It will tell you exactly where it ends up. This is the closest anyone outside of the people who work for Marshall has gotten to those shipments. He is letting me in, which isn’t something I imagine has happened before.”

“He’s probably letting you in because he has another fucking plan.”

Charlie rarely swears, and I know he’s reacting because he’s worried. I get that. I haven’t slept in days thinking about everything that could go wrong, but the truth is, Serenity is right, we can’t change it, but we can be ahead of the game.

“Maybe he does, which is why we’re trying to cover absolutely everything. I know you don’t like this, but I’m here because I trust you. I want your help, but if you can’t give it, I understand.”

Running a hand through his hair, he exhales. It’s part breath, part growl. “Your stubborn nature hasn’t changed. I will help you where I can, but know that I think you’re making a mistake.”

“Noted,” I say, offering him a small smile.

“Trackers are a good idea, but let me provide you with a few. He will check for that, so you need to put it somewhere he won’t look.”

“Like the sole of my shoe,” I say.

His brows go up. “I don’t even want to know where you got that idea, but trust me, he’ll strip you of that. He’s smart, he will likely check that. You need to put one somewhere he won’t find it. Beneath the skin.”

My eyes widen now. “Like ... a surgical implant?”

He nods. “Exactly that. We have some so tiny, it takes just a small needle to insert it. We can remove it later, but it’s the only way he won’t find it. If he decides to turn on you, and attempt to take you, he will make you change and take everything off your body.”

I didn’t even think of that.

“And the container?”

“I have a magnetic one, you can put it on one of the walls, it’s so tiny nobody will notice. We’ll have you fully tracked.”

“If something happens, promise me you will help Cade. I know you don’t like motorcycle clubs, but I need to know that for this, you’ll put your police hat aside and help them find me.”

His jaw ticks. “You’re making things hard, but it’s lucky I like you, Addison. I’ll help you, but only once. I can’t get involved in this business, not on the side. I swore not to be like every other sneaky asshole that doesn’t stay true to the vow they made.”

“I respect that.” I smile, reaching out and taking his hand. “Thank you, Charlie.”

“Give me absolutely everything you can, and when you get there, I will give you strict instructions. Please follow them. It’ll be the only way we can get you back if something happens.”

Swallowing, I nod. “Don’t you worry about me, I’m a pro at sending out fly kicks.”

He chuckles, but I can still see the concern in his eyes. “This sister really means something to you, huh?”

I can’t tell him the full truth, that I brought this on myself.

For now, I’ll let him think it’s all for Clara.

“Family,” I say, lifting my coffee cup. “If they don’t kill us, they make us stronger, right?”

He snorts. “So I’ve heard. Be smart, Addison, I kind of like seeing this new life you’ve made.”

My brows go up now. “Are you saying that you think the club is good for me?”
