Page 56 of Cade

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“Now come on.” Ciara takes my shoulders when I step back. “Get that backbone out and show that slimy motherfucker who he’s dealing with. It isn’t the club he should be scared of, it’s you.”

She’s right about that.

Straightening, I exhale the fear.

I have to be strong, for myself, for Skye, and for the club.

Marshall might think he’s fucking with us, but he hasn’t met me yet.

My mind is a dark and twisty place when I need it to be.

“You know what, you’re right,” I say, crossing my arms. “I’m going to make that bitch regret meeting me.”

Ciara laughs. “That’s my girl.”

Serenity pulls her hair into a ponytail. “Those bikers will have you covered, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have an extra plan in place.”

My brows go up. “I’m listening.”

“They’ll be covering the things like having eyes on you, weapons, protection, but they won’t think of the little things. Like putting a tracker on your shoe, getting you a bulletproof vest and having a cop friend as a backup, just in case.”

My brows go up. “Who are you?”

Serenity grins. “My mind is a terrifying place. I grew up with monsters, I know exactly what it is they try and do on the sly. If Marshall has a plan to go against the deal he has made, we need to make sure that we’re one step ahead.”

“I’m not sure Charlie will be willing to work with the club,” I point out.

“Maybe not, but he might have a way we can keep track of you, just incase something goes wrong. Better yet, the shipment. If we can track that shipment and find where it ends up, we could very much bring Marshall’s entire operation down.”

Ciara’s eyes widen. “Jesus. This plan went from protection to world domination.”

I giggle. “And I’m here for it. I’ll call Charlie. He might be willing to help, but even if he’s not, he might have some tips.”

“I know where to get trackers, ones that won’t be detected. You can put one in the sole of your shoe and when you walk into that shipping container, you can put one in it, also.”

“What do you think is going to be in there?” Ciara asks.

A question I have asked myself multiple times.

“I’m afraid of that,” I admit. “I’m praying it’s only weapons and jewels.”

Because if there are women in there, I don’t know if I can just walk in, place something down and leave.

My nature will scream at me to stop it.

I know I can’t, though.

Which is why Serenity’s plan is a good one.

If there is a chance we can bring Marshall and his entire operation down, we should take it.

That is worth the risk.

It just has to be.


