Page 48 of Cade

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Please fucking tell me you’re joking. Where the fuck are you?

I don’t have time to go back and forth with Cade, I need him to get out here and find a way to get me out.

I’m barely in service. I’m not joking. I don’t know where I am. I had to go off the track. Please. Come quickly.

The message won’t send.

It doesn’t matter where I hold it or how, the one bar I found in a moment of pure miracle mode, has now gone. Wanting to scream with frustration, I know there isn’t much I can do except stay in one spot and wait. Cade got the message, and I know he won’t take it lightly, I just have to wait.

Finding a large rock, I sit down and press my back against it, stomach rumbling as the horizon begins to slowly change.

It’ll be night soon, and lord only knows what’s out here.

I can’t stay that long.

Come on, Cade.




Two hours pass, and night is upon us when I hear the commotion. It starts off in the distance, yelling and a gunshot, and then I can hear my name being called. Pushing to my feet, I use my flashlight to navigate the ground as I do my best to move toward the sound. As I get closer, I begin calling back, yelling over and over until the voices become so much clearer and I know it’s Cade and Spike calling my name.

I yell until my voice is hoarse and I’m exhausted from walking, but finally I reach the path I left behind earlier, and I can see a light flashing ahead. Turning, I rush as fast as I can toward it, and when I see the familiar face of the man I love, I burst out crying. Throwing myself into his arms, I apologize over and over again for my stupidity. He holds me tight, covered in sweat and panting. With rage or relief, I don’t know.

“We gotta move,” Spike growls into the darkness. “They’ll have a fuckin’ crew on the way.”

“Move,” Cade orders, his voice gruff, and I know it’s rage he’s holding in. We all hurry toward the clearing before moving down to where Spike’s truck is parked.

There are two men lying beside it, bleeding from wounds in their chests. My eyes widen, and I look to Cade, who opens the door for me.

“Them or you. Get in.”

I know I’ve made a huge mistake, because I just got the club in some deep water that they really don’t want to be in. I should have left it alone, and now they’re going to have to clean up the mess I made.

Once we’re in the truck, Spike puts his foot down and flies down the dirt road until we reach my car, which has two men also lying beside it, bleeding. Skidding to a stop, Cade jumps out without a word and gets in, using his own set of keys to start it. Then, he’s following us as we move through the darkness.

For a while, I don’t say anything, I just sit in pure silence, but eventually, I speak. “I fucked up, didn’t I?”

Spike pauses for a moment, then growls. “Yeah, precious, you did. Big time.”

“I didn’t ... I didn’t think I’d actually find anything. I just ... fuck. I’m such an idiot.”

“Whoever you just messed with, it won’t take them long to find out who you are, and when they do, they’ll come for us. It’s very fuckin’ bad.”

Pressing my lips together, I swallow the lump in my throat.

My body burns from the multiple scratches on my skin.

“We’ve handled worse,” Spike tells me, as if that will make me feel better. “Not the first person to fuck up, precious. Won’t be the last.”

The silence in the car is deafening as we head back to the compound. The moment I get out, I see Cade already striding toward the shed. Taking in a deep, shaky breath, I know what I’m about to walk into. They’re going to be so angry with me, and they have every right. I made a huge mistake thinking I could go in and just check it out.

The second I step into the shed, I see Jackson standing, and the rage on his face is enough for me to pause. I open my mouth to speak, but I don’t get a chance. Cade whips around, his eyes firm when he growls, “Sugar, shut the fuck up.”

I close my mouth.
