Page 40 of Cade

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Jackson shakes his head. “Come on, darlin’,” he murmurs to Ava, “let’s get out of here, these women talk trash when they’re drunk.”

“Don’t taint her perfect ears, father,” I say, walking over and pressing a kiss to Ava’s cheek.

“Bit late for that with you lot around.”

Serenity grins. “Love you,” she practically pushes Jackson out the door.

I have to pick up Skye soon, but I’m certain that Jackson can handle two babies for the night. Skye sleeps through, he’ll be fine. Dialing Ciara’s number, I know she’ll be down for a night out, even if she does have to bring bubba. Janine might not be able to drink, but she sure as hell doesn’t miss a good night off.

Within ten minutes, both of the girls are at the front door.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this,” Ciara says, handing Mercedes to me when she walks in, a bottle of wine in her hand. “I might not be able to drink a lot, but man, the taste of wine is calling.”

Bouncing Mercedes, I grin. “She’s got a bottle?”

Ciara nods. “Oh, hell yes she does.”

“I’m sober, give me that baby,” Janine grins, taking Mercedes. “Consider me your fairy god mother for the night.”

“I love you,” Ciara says, pressing her hands together like she’s praying.

“I need the practice anyway.”

“I’m ordering Thai,” Serenity says. “Everyone good with that?”

Nodding, I crack open the bottle. “Let’s do this.”

I’ve never needed this as much as I do right now.

“THAT MOTHER FUCKER,” Ciara gasps, sipping her wine. “I’m going to take him out and kick his ass.”

“That’s what Jackson said,” I laugh. “It’s fine, I can kick his ass all on my own.”

“I can’t believe he had the audacity to use your past against you,” Serenity shakes her head, taking a mouthful of Thai food. “Men are such babies when it comes to confronting their own pasts.”

“They would rather keep secrets than disrupt their lives,” Janine nods. “Believe me, we’re still recovering from it.”

“I’m so glad Jackson is too old for secrets,” Serenity murmurs, then laughs at her own comment.

“The only secret he has left is how many grey hairs he has counted,” Ciara teases.

Jackson has barely a drop of grey hair, the man’s genetics are flawless, which I’m thankful for because it gives me hope for when I’m older that I’m going to look as amazing as he does.

“Stop it, you lot,” Janine grins. “Jackson ages like a fine wine.”

“Don’t I know it,” Serenity pretends to fan himself. “The man has the stamina of a twenty-year-old.”

“Ew, Serenity. I don’t need that kind of imagery.”

Serenity’s grin gets bigger. “That sofa you’re sitting on, we had a great time there this morning.”

Leaping up, I start gagging and frantically wiping my clothes as everyone bursts out laughing.

“Nope, nope, nope,” I groan, doing a little dance before finding another seat.

“Gosh, I missed this.” Ciara sighs. “It feels like forever since we were just the wild girls without kids. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but man I miss it.”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I’m kind of glad to have a little family. It makes me feel like I achieved something after everything.”
