Page 23 of Cade

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My stomach twists.

“That’s awful. If Clara got caught up in that, I can’t begin to imagine where she is.”

Charlie leans forward. “Like I said, the chances are she isn’t alive. I know you want to find her, Addi, but you could be searching a lifetime and not get answers. You have to understand that.”

“Yeah, I know,” I say, and I mean it.

I know I might never get what I’m searching for, but at the same time, until I’ve followed every lead and exhausted every option, I can’t just let this go. I need to know I did everything I could. I just can’t stop until I’m sure.

“Was Darth high up?”

Charlie shakes his head. “No, he was just a worker. His record is sealed, which has me thinking there are more people on the inside than I know about.”

People are rotten.

The ones you’re meant to trust are the ones doing the worst things.

Police officers, lawyers, mayors, you name it.

Some of them are truly evil and have their hands in many pies.

“What if he sold Clara?”

Charlie shakes his head. “As far as I can see, the two of them were working together. The last time I could trace their location was from a report made in the woods just outside the city. Someone picked Clara up running from something, all messed up and bloodied. They took her to the hospital, and she bolted. Nobody has seen her since.”

Why could Clara be in the woods?

I make a mental note to look in the woods outside the city, maybe there is something there?

It’s not much, but it’s a start.

“I should get going,” I say, glancing at the time. “I’ll call you again soon.”

“I’ll walk you out.”

Charlie walks me outside of the bar and we stand on the side of the street. He goes in for a hug, and somehow, when we pull apart, our lips graze. I know he does it on purpose, and it throws me so off guard that I stand there, my arms still around him, staring up at him in complete shock. Shaking my head, I whisper, “I’m with someone, Charlie.”

He steps back. “I’m sorry. Fuck, I don’t know what I was thinking. It just happened. I just ...”

“It’s okay,” I say quickly, feeling bad for him. “I just need you to understand that I’m with a man who completes me. I love him more than I could ever explain. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”

“You didn’t,” he says, his face growing slightly red. “I just had one too many beers and being with you makes me happy. I’m sorry.”

Without letting me say another word, he turns and disappears.

Well, fuck.

Things just keep getting more complicated.



Rage unlike anything I’ve ever felt rips up my spine as I stand across the street beside my bike, watching them. He kisses her, and she stands there, looking up at him, her arms around his waist. I’ve never felt so fucking sick in all my life. I knew following her was a bad idea, but I never thought this is what I’d see.

A cop.

He’s a cop.
