Page 22 of Cade

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I wave a hand. “Nonsense.”

“I’m glad you made contact again,” he tells me. “I spent so long wondering where you were.”

“I didn’t have the best time when I was younger, but I’m glad I made peace with my past.”

He came to me this time, when I gave him the information I had. He told me he wanted to talk in person, so I agreed to have a drink with him. I can’t be too long, as Ciara is due any day now and I’m going to be taking care of Danny while she goes to the hospital, so I need to get things ready at home. Besides, I have to get Skye from daycare in an hour.

“You should make peace with Cade’s, too,” he points out, narrowing his eyes.

I wave a hand. “You clearly don’t know me very well if you think I’m going to do that.”

He rolls his eyes. “I know you plenty well enough.”

“Are you going to tell me what you came here to talk about or are we going to keep dodging the subject?”

He grins. “Maybe I’m just enjoying your company.”

I raise my brows. “Or maybe you don’t want to tell me.”

He exhales, keeping the grin, and takes another sip of beer. “I know who they were working for.”

My eyes widen. “And you waited this long to tell me?”

“I waited this long because I refuse to let you go and get involved. Marshall is dangerous and his connections go far outside this country. I know for certain the FBI have been trying to take him down for years but he’s so fucking high up nobody can touch him. If Clara and Darth were working for him, the chances are they are no longer alive.”

My heart skips a beat. “I can’t just assume that, Charlie. You have to understand that.”

“You can’t just get involved with Marhsall, either. Trust me, you don’t want to go looking in places that are that dark, you won’t come out alive.”

I take another sip of my drink, trying to calm my pounding heart. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“No, I’m not. It’s not because I don’t want to help you, I’m going to keep looking for Clara, but I can’t let you go chasing these people down. It’s bad enough they still run shipments out of this place, let alone the fact that nobody can touch them.”

“They’re still operating and nobody has brought them down?” I question, concerned.

“They’ve probably got half the police force working for them. They’re the kind of people who manage to get away with everything.”

“Can’t the FBI just bust them mid shipment? If they know they’re doing it, why can’t they stop it?”

“It ain’t that easy. They’re clever, nobody knows where they are stashing their goods, or how they get them out. We’ve suspected shipping containers, but every wharf in the area has been watched and nobody has found them. Which means they have half the fucking town working for them. Probably half the FBI.”


How terrifying that a group of people can be so powerful.

I just need something, anything to help me get closer. Charlie isn’t willing to tell me too much, but if I can get a little something to work with, this won’t feel like nothing.

“If they’re using shipping containers, can’t you track manufacturers?”

“Not if they’re being paid enough to keep quiet and fudge the books.”

That makes sense.

“And they’re trafficking people?”

“From what we know, yeah. Mostly addicts, people off the streets or from broken homes, people who aren’t missed and most of the time, not reported missing. There is big money in selling humans for slaves.”

