Page 14 of Cade

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Lucky for me, I have no intention of letting her find out.



“Have you got something?” I whisper, taking the call immediately when I see Charlie’s number flash across the screen.

“I’ve got something alright, and I’m telling you, I don’t think you should be looking into this, kid.”

So overprotective.

“I’m not a kid, and I need to know. Are you going to tell me or are you going to keep playing hero?”

He chuckles. “Never a dull moment with you. I’ll tell you what I have, but promise me you’ll stay away from it. These people ... they’re no good. I don’t want you getting tangled up in something that could get you killed.”

Well, that doesn’t sound good.

“Is she alive?”

“Still workin’ on that answer, but last time she was seen was with a man named Darth. He wasn’t anyone special, but he was getting into some pretty bad business with dangerous people. Those people have been known for their illegal trading, trafficking, and shipments. They’re bad news. I’m unable to tell if she was with him willingly or not, but I’m trying to find out.”

“Do you have a last name?” I question, writing down the name on a scrap of paper.

Charlie hesitates.

“Come on, Charlie, you tell me or I’ll find out. You know I will.”

“Archer. I don’t know who he works for, but he has a bad history. He has gone off the radar, but if your man’s sister was involved with him, it isn’t looking good for her because that crowd is dangerous.”


Indeed, it isn’t.

Still, it’s something.

“Did you find out anything else about Clara?”

“Jagged past. Cade has one count of assault against him, he beat his father nearly to death. Not sure what happened. His father died a few years later. Clara was caught with drugs when she was twenty, claimed they weren’t hers. Another report she made of domestic violence that was dropped. Hard time these two had, it would seem.”

My heart aches.

Cade has never told me about his past, and the more I’m learning about it, the more it upsets me.

He spent so long listening to me talk about mine, and all along he had one equally as dark. Why hasn’t he told me?

Doesn’t he trust me with it?

Hurt washes over me.

“Thanks for the information,” I tell Charlie. “If you find anything else, let me know. I just want to find out if she is alive or dead, I swear.”

“Promise me you won’t look into this deeper than that, it’s dangerous, I have a bad feeling about it.”

Crossing my fingers behind my back, I say, “I promise.”

It’s not that I want to lie to Charlie, it’s just that he doesn’t understand how important this is.

I need to know what happened to Clara, and if she’s alive, I need to bring her home.
