Page 13 of Cade

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Jackson glances at the table of bikers, who are all watching, half of them smoking, the other half leaning back with their arms crossed.

“Goat,” Jackson barks. “Go and deal with Muff.”

Goat stands, nodding and disappears too.

“The rest of you, we got shipments to move. Get on it. I want it done by close of business tomorrow.”

The rest of the guys stand and leave.

Spike grins.

I shoot him a glare.

Jackson stands, his fists clenched. “I’ll deal with you two later.”

Once he’s gone, Spike looks to me. “Looks like you pissed the big dog off.”

“Fuck off, Spike,” I growl. “I’m not in the mood for your shit.”

Spike stands. “Best you get control of your lady, Cade. She’s goin’ to get herself into trouble.”

“No shit. I think you’ve all made that very clear. What will you have me do? Throw her over my fuckin’ knee and spank her?”

Spike’s grin returns. “To start with, yeah. Then you get a man on her to watch where she’s goin’.”

Well. Fuck.

That’s not a bad idea.

I’m not telling him that, though.

Turning, I leave the shed without another word. He doesn’t need the satisfaction of gloating. Especially not when I walk into the main living area at the compound and up to one of the newest prospects, Adder. His real name is Aiden, but he quickly got the nickname Adder when we realized just how vicious he can be when it comes to standing up for the club.

He’ll be a valuable asset one day.

Standing at six feet, with short messy blond hair and stark green eyes, he’s only twenty, but he’s had a rough life. That shows not only in his personality, but also in the scar that runs down his cheek, compliments of his father. I have no doubt he’ll be patched in sooner rather than later, and if he pulls off this task for me, I might hurry along the process.

“Got a job for you,” I say, stopping in front of him.

He glances at me. “Yeah.”

A man of very few words, but he never puts up an argument. Whatever we tell him to do, he does it.

“My old lady is diggin’ around in business I don’t want her diggin’ around in. She’s sneakin’ about, and I want someone with eyes on her. You down?”

Adder nods. “I got it covered.”

I have no doubt about it.

“Want her followed when she leaves the house or compound to do anything other than goin’ to the store or park. She has no reason to leave this town, if she does, I want a call.”

Adder nods. “I’m on it.”

“Appreciate it.”

Addison won’t like this.

No, she’ll fucking throw down if she finds out.
