Page 79 of Real Thing

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Bliss. Exhilaration. Fucking euphoria. That’s what I feel when he kisses me. His kiss is a ballad written across my lips. Soft. Tender. Almost poetic.

I knot my fingers in his russet brown hair, desperate to hold him near. Because I’m sure that if he changed his mind about this right now, I’d just die.

As his lips and tongue play with mine, he reaches for the ribbon holding my dress together at the waist. With a soft tug, the fabric comes loose, opening up to reveal my black thong and my lacy demi-cup bra beneath.

Nolan pulls free of the kiss and his gaze sweeps over me, leaving a path of flames across my exposed skin. He slowly eases the satiny fabric over my shoulders, allowing it to fall in a pool on the couch. And now I’m sitting here in nothing but my underwear.

From the way he’s looking at me, I expect him to pounce on top of me and take what he wants. I expect it to be over quickly.

But he doesn’t even touch me. Instead, he falls back onto his haunches, slowly inspecting every inch of my frame.

The self-conscious part of me wants to wrap myself up in my dress and hide. Am I good enough? Does he like what he sees? Or do I fall short of his expectations? But I’ve learned that with this man, it’s best not to make assumptions.

“W-what are you thinking?” I dare to ask, bracing myself for his response.

“I’m thinking you’re so fucking perfect, Inez,” he whispers reverently. “Every inch of you is perfect. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. The mere idea that I get to put my hands on you has me shaking.”

Oh shit…

This man is undoing me with his words. If he keeps talking to me like this, he’s going to send me over the edge without lifting a finger.

But I want his fingers. Inside me.

I take his hands, putting them on my thighs. “Touch me,” I mewl.

His calloused palms slide up the length of my bare thighs, tenderly exploring my goosebump-covered skin. “You sure that’s what you want? I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

His asking for my consent only makes him that much sexier. “God, yes. I’m sure.”

With a firm grip, he spreads my legs even wider. “Where do you want me to touch you, Stargirl?”

“Between my legs,” I say with no reservations. I should probably be shy about this but I’m too keyed up to be demure.

His voice drops dangerously low. “Like this?” With a casual flick of his thumb over the bud of my clit, the man almost unravels me completely.

“Yes.” The sound is a broken whimper as my eyeballs roll back in my head.

He just grins. “Your bra—get rid of it.”

I do as I’m told, reaching behind me to unclasp the garment before sliding the straps down my arms and letting it fall to the floor. Nolan watches with satisfaction as my tingling breasts bounce free. He takes a moment to gently squeeze one sensitive globe, tweaking my hard nipple. I helplessly whimper his name.

“Fuck…” he mutters right before his lips cover my other nipple. He kisses and licks and sucks, making my thighs contract harshly.

I feel his thumb glide along the lace edge of my panties. “Can I take these off?” He asks, his voice pure like silk and rough like gravel at the same time.

I reflexively raise my hips off the couch. “Mmm-hm.” I nod vigorously, biting down on my lip to keep from saying something embarrassing and unhinged. Something like, Fuck me right this fucking second, you fucking sexy fucker!!

In a slow, smooth motion, Nolan pulls my soaked thong down the length of my thighs. It’s shameful how wet I am, a liquid string of arousal stretching from my pussy lips to the crotch of my panties. But Nolan watches in fascination, his hooded eyes transfixed to my exposed core.

“You’re dripping for me. Look how soaked this pussy is for me.” He growls. “You’ve been wanting this for a long time, haven’t you?”

“For so long. You have no idea,” I admit. For six, long-suffering years, to be exact.

The way he’s watching my pussy is too much. It’s so raw. So dangerous. Needing to retreat from his intensity, my eyes fall closed.

That’s when I feel two thick digits push into my mouth. “Get these fingers all nice and wet for me, baby,” he commands.

On instinct, I suck and lick his fingers, coating them in saliva. Over and over, Nolan feeds his fingers deep into my mouth before slowly pulling out. “Fuck, Inez. That’s exactly how I imagine you sucking my dick, baby.”
