Page 76 of Real Thing

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Lights. Camera. Bullshit.

I stand behind the counter, pretending to polish the clean glassware as I watch this special episode of A Chance with Vance come together right here inside my bar.

There’s a small army of TV production people running around The North Node Tavern tonight with clunky headphones over their ears.

Some guy is carrying a big furry microphone, holding it high above his head. Then there are two men operating heavy-duty video cameras propped up on tall tripods.

And let’s not forget the woman traipsing around with a holster of makeup brushes, powdering and re-powdering the noses of anyone who crosses her path. I’ve been staying the hell away from that one.

From where I’m standing, I have a perfect view of the makeshift set they’ve put together at the back half of the bar. Stylish couches, fake flowers and candles every-damn-where with glowing purple lighting that bounces off the bar’s exposed brick walls. I hardly recognize the place.

I had to shut down business all day to accommodate this circus act. But the studio people wrote me a big, fat check to compensate for the inconvenience. Let’s just say my major suppliers are paid off for the rest of the year.

The money is a nice incentive. But that’s not why I agreed to this. My priority here is Inez. Being able to stand guard for her. Knowing that I can swoop in if these assholes try to overstep her boundaries. I’ve been staying on the sidelines thus far, but I’d rush into the middle of it in a heartbeat if I have to.

Right now, Inez sits beneath the beaming spotlight, looking as beautiful as ever. Karli and Daphne were here earlier, fussing over her outfit and making sure the makeup artist didn’t sabotage her makeup.

You never know with these Hollywood people. I don’t trust these television types one tiny bit.

Eventually, the girls got kicked out of here because Karli was being her over-the-top self as usual. But watching my sister and future sister-in-law looking out for Inez helped put me at ease.

I want Inez to know that my support system is her support system. She means so much to me.

But Inez is nervous now and she’s not doing a great job of hiding it. She’s taking shallow breaths and twisting her fingers in her lap in the moments before the interview is set to begin.

Even still, she looks beautiful, downright angelic with her caramel hair in a wispy updo. She’s wearing a pale blue satin dress that wraps around her body, secured at the waist with a knotted ribbon.

The cameras start rolling and the bubbly TV presenter snaps into character, putting on her fake persona. “I’m Sabrina Arborelli and tonight…the interview you’ve all been waiting for. I’m one-on-one with America’s runaway bride—Inez Machado, herself—for this special edition of A Chance with Vance.”

Inez gives the so-called journalist a guarded look. “Hi, Sabrina.”

The TV host immediately gets down to business. “So Inez, how have you been since the night of the wedding that didn’t happen?”

She asks the question with an air of concern. But I know it’s entirely fake. Because in the minutes before the cameras flicked on, Sabrina had been busy yelling at her husband over the phone and bossing the makeup artist around, not even bothering to spare Inez a glance even though they’d been sitting right across from each other on the set.

“It hasn’t been easy,” Inez starts. She forces a smile but it’s weak and tentative, and the lack of luster in her eyes tells me she’d rather be anywhere but here, under the harsh judgmental spotlight of America’s TV viewers.

“How so?” Sabrina elegantly crosses her legs and pins Inez with a look.

“I’ve struggled with a lot of guilt over my decision not to go through with the wedding.” Inez swallows. “I never wanted to hurt anyone, to disappoint anyone.”

“Well, you definitely have left a lot of people disappointed. All of America, actually.” The interviewer subtly cocks an eyebrow. “Would you say that you’re disappointed in yourself?”

I don’t know much about the rules of doing interviews, but isn’t that a leading question? That definitely sounds like a leading question. She’s not supposed to ask that.

Inez takes it in good stride. “I’m disappointed in how things unfolded. But ultimately, I know I made the right decision. For myself and for Vance.”

Sabrina chuckles snarkily. “I’m not sure how Vance would feel about that statement.”

A video of Mr. Hollywood starts playing on a nearby screen. It’s that clip where Vance is crying and claiming that Inez is the love of his life.

Re-watching the video now, Inez looks devastated. She sits there, her mouth opening and closing, like she’s not sure what to say. She just plucks at the beaded bracelet secured around her wrist. It’s the friendship bracelet that she made with Stella and me at home last week.

When the stylist had suggested that she remove it before tonight’s taping began, Inez had politely declined. She simply stated that it’s her lucky bracelet and that she’d be keeping it, thank you very much.
