Page 75 of Real Thing

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Nolan growls. “Fine. I’m giving you a company car.” He steps forward, taking my cheeks in his big hands. “I want you to have a car while you’re here. Something safe and reliable. And I want you to have one less thing to worry about when you’re out and about around town. Is that okay with you?”

“That’s okay with me.” I give the SUV another once-over and it’s finally sinking in.

My very own car. My very own car. Nolan got me my very own car.

I squeal out loud, hopping around before throwing myself against Nolan’s strong chest. “Thank you, thank you, Boss Man! No more sweating my ass off in the sun. And getting blisters on my feet. And spending half my paychecks on taxis.” I laugh and laugh with my arms thrown around his neck.

But then I realize that Nolan’s not laughing at all. In fact, he’s standing completely motionless with his arms around my waist, breathing hard. The only part of his body that’s moving is his—

I gasp out loud as his erection high-kicks me in the stomach.

“You’re an incredibly pervy boss,” I say, trying to sound stern but failing miserably.

Nolan doesn’t look embarrassed one bit. The bastard is actually smirking.

He quirks a shoulder. “What? I was just standing here, minding my business. And then the most gorgeous woman came up and started rubbing herself all over me. I’d say this is a perfectly normal bodily reaction.”

I laugh again, dropping my forehead to his chest, enjoying the woodland fragrance of his shirt and the heat of his solid body.

When I lift my face, our eyes lock and his knuckle brushes my windblown tendrils away from my eyes. “Is the color okay?” he asks me.

I glance at the gorgeous cobalt blue paint job. “It’s beautiful. Blue is my favorite color.”

Maybe that’s why I love Nolan’s eyes so much.

Or maybe his eyes are the reason I love the color blue.

I watch a sheepish smile twist his lips. “I know…” he says softly.

My heart misses a step and stumbles down a flight of stairs. He knows my favorite color. He bought me a freaking car in my favorite color. The delusional, hopeless romantic part of me is having a field day right now.

“Are you happy?” he asks me softly.

I smile as my stomach does flips and twists. “Very. Thank you, Nolan.”

The way he puffs up with pride makes me tingle on the inside. He enjoys making me happy. He takes pleasure in seeing me smile. I feel so blessed to have someone in my circle who looks for ways to make my life easier.

My eyes fall to his lips. The soft, firm, scruff-framed lips that are lowering toward mine.

God—I want his kiss so much. But I promised myself I wouldn’t cross that line with him again.

But can’t I have one kiss? Just one little kiss. No one has to know. Right?

I glance toward the building, right in time to see a figure duck back into the shadows of the doorway. Suzy. Fuck.

Rumors about Nolan and me? I don’t need any of that right now.

Ruefully, I unwrap myself from his arms. “Thank you again, Nolan,” I say softly. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am for this.”

He tugs at the neckline of his T-shirt, clearing his throat. “Y—yeah, um. Yeah.”

I offer him a half-smile as I skip back toward the bar. I take another peek over my shoulder at my new ride. Squee!

“Thank you, thank you!” I say to my boss again right before I head back inside.

Nolan Brighton is such a good man. Kind, protective, incredibly generous. At least with me.

I know that resisting him is the right thing to do. But with each passing day, it gets harder and harder.
