Page 6 of Real Thing

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…And I miss her.

…A lot.

…Too much.

So I do it.

Her contact picture pops up on my screen as the call tries to connect. My chest pounds with anticipation and my palms grow sweaty as I wait.

But the result is the same as it was last night. And the night before that. And every other night of the past week. “The number you are calling is out of service,” a robotic voice reminds me before a deafening mechanical screech fills my ear.

When the call disconnects, I lean my skull against the back of my chair, shutting my eyes. Thinking back to the night of her very last shift at the bar. She’d been waltzing around the place in a plastic crown and a too big grin on her lips, saying her goodbyes to everyone. And I’d never wanted to kiss someone as badly as I wanted to kiss her in that moment.

Even though we’ve only ever been friends.

Even though I know she’s way out of my league.

Even though I’m trying to be the responsible single dad.

Even though kissing her would have been a selfish and messed up thing to do.

Even though she would have high-kicked me in the nuts and then rode off into the sunset, in search of her perfect Hollywood Prince Charming.

Regret sets my chest on fire again. I should have kissed her. At the very least, I should have kissed her just once.

Instead, I chose to do the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing sucks.

“What the hell is wrong with me…?” I whisper, scrubbing a rough palm down my face. I’m so goddamned exhausted. And goddamned horny. It’s messing with my mind tonight.

My phone’s still in my hand when it suddenly starts ringing.It’s an unknown number and I’m tempted to ignore it. But I don’t have the luxury of ignoring unknown calls. Because my flighty ex-wife is so unreliable and more often than not, she’s the one on the other end of any unknown number calling my phone.

I sigh, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. “Hello…” I answer tiredly.

A female voice fills my ear. “Hello? Nolan?” Soft. Quiet. Vulnerable.

I blink, instantly sitting up straighter in my chair. That’s definitely not my ex-wife’s voice.

My heart leaps into my throat, making it hard to speak. “I-Inez…?” I’d recognize her voice anywhere. Even over the staticky line.

No. There’s no way. It can’t be her…because Inez should be in Sin Valley getting ready for her wedding tonight.

But here she is, on the other end of this phone call.

“Yeah. Hi, yeah. It’s me. Inez.”

“Um, hey…” I answer stupidly. I really, really wasn’t expecting to hear from her any time soon, if ever. I have no freaking clue what to say.

Good thing she speaks first. “I know it’s probably a bad time. And you’re probably really busy, but…c–can you do me a huge favor?”



Iset the payphone handset back into its cradle and rub a clammy palm over my jumpy stomach. I watch the train I just got off whisk down the tracks toward its next destination.

It feels symbolic in a way. Like I’m standing here, watching my golden opportunity at love slip from my grasp.

Life was finally working out for me. I had it all figured out. For once, everything was going my way. I was moments away from marrying the most well-loved bachelor in America. And what did I do?
