Page 56 of The Girlfriend Act

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Fake my way through rehearsals and don’t jeopardize the play by letting my emotions spill over.

Throw the signed contract in Zayan’s face.

No talking. Not about the contract, which I printed out last night and brought here in a clear plastic folder. Not about anything. If Zayan wants to play this silent game, I’m a more-than-willing participant.

‘First off, the LSDCATS literally copied us by doing Instagram Lives, but no one cares about that because you two have inadvertently started a shipping war between you and the LSDCATS leads,’ Nur chides, looking as exasperated as Anushka. ‘A shipping war that you’re losing.’

Nur isn’t wrong. The last couple of days have been filled with tweets and comments about how adorable the LSDCATS leads are, and how unlovely and frigid Zayan and I are. Our one bad Live, coupled with our lack of interaction in front of the paparazzi lately, has almost undone all our previous work.

And while it may not be my fault, it is terrifying to know that public opinion really is that fickle.

‘The LSDCATS can overshadow us with this new publicity,’ Anushka stresses, anxiety present in her voice. ‘It’s so easy for them to capitalize on our mistakes, on our pitfalls. We need you two to work it out.’

I glance Zayan’s way, at the back of his head. In the deepest parts of my heart, I’m worried too. Underneath all that anger, I’m afraid that Zayan might pull out of the play. That whatever happened is so grievous that he won’t mind leaving. And that would destroy us.

‘I tried,’ I say finally, confused about whether I should feel the fear or the anger more intensely. ‘He’s the one who’s acting like I don’t exist any more.’

Anushka rubs her forehead wearily. ‘Are you sure you can’t try talking to him one more time?’

The relationship contract flashes in my mind; embarrassment wraps round my ribs and pushes against my lungs.

‘Why should Farah be the one to talk to him?’ Gibitah intervenes. ‘She’s not the one who started this cold-shoulder game they’ve got going on.’

Anushka stares at us, gaze calculating, lips pursed. ‘You’re right. It’s not your fault, Farah.’ She shares a look with Nur and then smiles. ‘No worries; I’ll deal with it.’

A sense of foreboding prickles under my skin when the two of them walk away, heads bent close together.

‘She’s up to something. You know that, right?’ Gibitah asks with a laugh.

‘Yeah,’ I sigh, shaking my head. ‘I know.’

We go on with the rest of the rehearsal without any hitches. Zayan and I act out our scenes professionally, giving each other blank-eyed stares and nothing more. I get some time towards the end of the act to sit upstage, just reading through my lines, dipping into Heer’s world, with Gibitah beside me as we intermittently play intense rounds of snap.

‘Farah! Zayan!’ I look up from the script at the sound of David’s call. He’s sitting in the front row, along with the rest of The Tragedies.

As I approach downstage, I catch Anushka’s half smirk, and I’m instantly on guard. I share a look with Gibitah, who is leaving to catch her bus. She gives me a sympathetic thumbs up.

I end up at the edge of the stage with Zayan, who’s come out of the left wing. I studiously avoid looking at him, sticking to my three-step plan. I’m about to hop down from the stage when Ben stops me.

‘Nope.’ He annoyingly pops the ‘p’ with more joy than necessary. ‘You’re staying up there.’

‘Why?’ Zayan asks gruffly.

‘We’re doing our second TikTok Live to counter the backlash we’ve got from the LSDCATS’ Live. You two are going to do a “Cast Q&A”,’ Nur explains, a sly look in her eyes.

‘No,’ I immediately say. ‘No, we are not. Guys, don’t –’

‘She’s right; we shouldn’t –’ Zayan begins.

‘Too late, I’ve already started!’ Ben interrupts loudly, and Zayan and I snap into place.

‘Hi, everyone! Welcome to the second Tragedies Live,’ Ben announces, excitedly talking to the camera. David and Anushka come forward, forcing Zayan and I to sit on the edge of the stage, while Ben and Nur entertain the viewers.

‘So, today we’re going to have a really fun segment. We asked you, our loyal fans, to send in questions you’d like answered about Farah and Zayan,’ Nur explains.

I finally share a look with Zayan – both our gazes are asking, Did you know about this?

‘However, the fun twist is that these are going to be questions about Farah and Zayan that the opposite person has to answer.’
