Page 55 of The Girlfriend Act

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My anger worsens as I watch Zayan smile and joke with The Tragedies for the rest of the rehearsal. It turns into an inferno as he guides another actress through her scene, completely ignoring me. I barely hold myself together when Zayan rushes out of the Limelight at the end of rehearsals, like being around me has physically driven him away.

It doesn’t help my fury that it’s raining when I leave – not a smattering of droplets but a full-blown shower – and I’m drenched by the time I get to the flat.

I finally implode when I slip into bed, ready for sleep, and my phone buzzes. I grab it off the side table, hoping it’s Zayan with an apology. He should grovel a little more. I should at least get a phone call.

But it’s not what I expected. It’s much worse than a lacklustre apology. It’s a nail in the coffin. It’s Zayan dehumanizing our deal, turning it into nothing more than a piece of paper with fancy words, saying: You are a means to an end, nothing more.

It’s a sign of just how recklessly stupid he’s being.

From: Zayan Amin

Subject: Relationship contract

Fortune Teller

20 October 2021


We were delighted when The Tragedies announced that they were starting a series of TikTok Lives leading up to the opening night of their play! But we were disappointed when the first one happened two days ago – we were hoping to see more Zayan and Farah, but the mere glimpse we got of them didn’t really do much for us.

It was nice to get to know some of the other cast members, like Gibitah Siddiqi, who seems so cool. We loved how personable she was, and that she’s a cat person! A clear rising star, definitely someone to look out for.

But, overall, the Live sort of fell flat for us.

It’s why we were so curious when The LSDCATS announced their Instagram Live the following day. It turns out we had nothing to worry about, because the LSDCATS are amazing at showcasing their talent – especially their main actors, Mary Whitter (Juliet) and Rowan Kent (Romeo).

They were too adorable! Especially when studying lines together – the chemistry was palpable. We’re sure fans are soon to be obsessed with this new couple!


TheatreDreamer: I don’t know about you guys, but I’m 100% shipping Rary. They are so CUTE.

ZayanIsMyLove: Rary?

TheatreDreamer: Rowan and Mary.

ZayanIsMyLove: Come on, Zayan and Farah – Zarah – are right there.

TheatreDreamer: IDK … on The Tragedies’ TikTok Live, they had ZERO interaction.

ZayanIsMyLove: They’re private people. They stay away from cameras.

TheatreDreamer: Whatever. All I know is I’m watching the LSDCATS’ play and their Instagram Lives. #Rary


‘You two need to make up,’ Anushka says, her voice tense. She’s decked in a bright-orange boiler suit, her hair in the most stylish messy bun, her winged eyeliner as sharp as her gaze, and in the face of her intensity, Gibitah and I try not to cower.

Gibitah and I were running lines before we were accosted by Anushka and Nur. It was nice; we were getting to know one another, and I even told her that Zayan and I were experiencing some tension. I didn’t tell her why – obviously our partnership is still meant to be a secret – but it was nice to have someone to unload on who knew nothing about the inner workings of our deal.

‘We only have six weeks left, and we can’t afford any setbacks,’ Nur continues, her voice more pleading, like I’m the one who’s causing this tension with Zayan.

‘We’re fine,’ I reply, refusing to look at Zayan, who is running lines with Ben on the other side of the stage.

We’ve spent another rehearsal not speaking to one another, and my side of the silence is all due to my crucial three-step plan for surviving today.

Ignore Zayan.
