Page 5 of Ava

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What a fucking one-eighty from the night before. I wasn’t a girl who would let that slide either. Nolan had tried to explain, but not enough. “Did you three lose your voices last night? I mean, I know I have a vagina and all, but did I smell bad or something?”

Wolfe growled. I had a feeling he did a lot of that. “Far from it, female.”

Lex waved me into the elevator and pressed the third floor. Note to self for the dining hall. “You really did take us by surprise, Ava. That’s a lovely name, by the way.”

My neck was sore from the whiplash of attitude, but we all had our bad days. A bit of my female ego chose to assume they had simply been stunned by my beauty and so, couldn’t find the words to express themselves.

“Thank you. I hope there’s coffee. I’m coming into the semester so late. I’m afraid I’ll have trouble keeping up.”

“Why are you coming in now, if I might ask?” Nolan asked as we got off the elevator and continued walking.

I stopped in my tracks. “Oh. Another story for another time. We must be getting close. I can smell the food from here.”

Wolfe sidled up to me and nudged my elbow as though to get me walking again. “You won’t leave the dining hall hungry, Ava. Trust me.”

I moved along and found that my wolf did. She already trusted him along with Nolan and Lex. Why, I had no idea. They were sexy as hell and commanded the attention of everyone we walked by, but there was more.

My wolf had drooled the first time she saw them.

And when Wolfe touched me, she rolled over and presented her belly.

Either there was something off about my wolf, or these three were more important to me than I knew.

I couldn’t explain it and didn’t want to run from it.

There were so many things going on in my head. I was still heartbroken from the loss of my parents. I longed for Minx to believe me even though I realized that came with a price since she thought her father was her biological father.

A new school.

New people.

Being so damned alone all the time.

I had friends before, but I learned how deep those relationships went after my parents passed.

Perhaps I was just latching on to the first people who offered me friendship and taking it as something more. Yeah. That had to be it.

Chapter Five

I had assumed incorrectly that my classes would be hell. I would be lost and have to catch up on a semester’s worth of information in only a few weeks.

Turned out, I was wrong.

My mom was a shifter and had made sure I knew everything I needed to know and more about shifting. She had once been a scribe for her pack—collecting information and keeping records for the shifters in her area. Births, deaths, stories to be told. All of it was kept by the pack once she was kicked out for marrying my father, a human, but she kept them in her heart and told me all of them.

All except for one very important one, apparently. The story of how I came to be.

I always thought I was half human and that’s why we stayed out of packs, choosing to be rogue instead.

I would never know unless I contacted my mom’s former pack, but I was sure her leaving had something to do with me.

And the fact that she was pregnant with me but marrying a human.

From the stories she told, fated mates always stuck together. Always.

Things didn’t make sense, and though I let the questions rattle through my brain once in a while, I knew down deep, there would be some issues that were never cleared up.

My first three classes were shifter history, shifter biology, and human/shifter relations. I had experience with all three of those but found biology particularly interesting. I had done a bit of research on my own about my gift, but my mom tried to deter me from it, saying some things were better accepted.
