Page 21 of Ava

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Wolfe lifted me from his lap then stood and nuzzled my neck. “I’m going to bed. Nolan told me to tell you good night, Ava, since you were in the shower.” He kissed my temple. “Sleep well. Both of you.”

Lex gave him a nod, and soon we were alone.

“Want to talk?” I broke the silence. He was brooding, that much I knew.

“Yeah.” The had found him a set of too-small sweats, but his feet were bare. “I’m going to shower really quickly then I’ll meet you back here?”

“Come to my room when you’re done.”

A smile tugged one side of his mouth up. “I can do that.”

While Lex showered, I heated up the rest of the Chinese food and brought it to my room, along with a bottle of water. He had to be starving after shifting and dealing with the headmistress.

I left the food on my desk and sat on the side of the bed. Soon, he appeared in the doorway, his dark hair dripping onto the shoulders of his white T-shirt.

“Come in, Lex.”

He nodded and walked in.

“I heated you up some food. You have to be hungry. You had only begun to eat before…”

He came over and kissed my head before grabbing the food and finishing the whole thing in less than five minutes. He sat on the bed, entirely too far from me. “Are you upset with me?”

“What?” I scooted closer. My wolf craved his touch, and he might need mine. Mates calmed each other I was told. “Lex, I’m not upset at you in any way.”

He nailed me with a stare. “I was angry and shifted and attacked that girl.”

Clearly, we had a different definition of the word attacked.

“You got upset because someone you care about was being attacked, and your wolf defended me. Is that what you mean?”

He snorted. “I’m glad you see it that way. The headmistress calls it a defiance of my terms of admission to this academy.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“I had an anger problem—before. I couldn’t control my shifts. My wolf was on the verge of feral. They sent me here to teach me to control my wolf and, today, I lost control. I saw Seraphine and heard her making claims on me. After she spilled the food on you, I was going to step in, but my wolf he took over. He saw you in danger and there wasn’t a decision to make and no fucking way I could’ve stopped him.”

“Did she punish you?” I asked.

“No. Not this time. She understood,” he answered.

He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder. “What did she understand?”

“That my wolf was…” I knew what Lex was about to say and as much as I knew the truth in my heart, hearing it out loud was another thing. “Defending his mate.”

I sat up and turned to him. Tears welled in my eyes hearing the words not only from my wolf but from this man, one of those who were now so deeply embedded in my heart. “Are you sure?”

He cocked his head. “Ava, I’ve been sure since the first night you came into this suite. Don’t tell me you didn’t feel it too.”

In a brave moment, I crawled over into his lap and wrapped myself around him. “Of course I did.”

We held each other for a while until he pulled back. “I’m okay now. Thank you, Ava. It’s getting late. You need sleep. You didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Stay with me,” I pleaded. “Just sleep with me tonight. I want your arms around me.”

Lex smiled. “I was hoping you would ask because I’m nowhere near ready to let you go.”

We curled up in each other, legs and arms entangled in the best way. “Seraphine is on suspension for two weeks.”
