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I shook my head and stood. I wanted to offer her my hand but again, the rule that Koruk and I made together stood in my way. “I promise we won’t do anything interesting without you. Let us walk you to your room.”

When we reached her room, we paused. My gargoyle growled inside me, only for my ears, at wanting to grab her up, throw her over my shoulder, and test out every inch of that giant bed, but I held back.

“Good night, then.”

“May we kiss you good night?” Koruk asked, surprising me. Usually he was the rule keeper out of the two of us.

“Of course.”

But instead of kissing her senseless as we both wanted to, he pecked her on the cheek and I did the same.

It would have to suffice.

“My bedroom is to your left and Koruk’s is to your right should you need anything in the night or can’t sleep. Anything at all. Please, make yourself at home.”

She nodded and closed the bedroom door after going inside. If I wasn’t mistaken, I caught a hint of disappointment on her face. A bit of a frown.

Did she want us as much as we wanted her?

Chapter Eighteen


Kisses on my cheek and opening doors were sweet, gentlemanly things, but Koruk and Oz were making me feel like less of a lady and more like a hussy.

I noticed the way they looked at me, but as I sat that night in that huge tub all by myself, I began to rethink and analyze the entire evening, wondering if perhaps I was mistaken.

No hand-holding.

I covered the giggle that threatened to come out of my mouth remembering their confession. They were virgins. Those two sexy, built-like-brick-houses men had never been with a woman.

I had to admit, that made me tingle all over.

I dunked my head into the water, trying to wash away all the doubts. I was human, yes, but there was something deep inside me that called out for them. Maybe it was instinct. Maybe the universe piquing my consciousness. Maybe the gods showing me a sign. Whatever it was, I wanted them. Not for a night but for the rest of my life.

They were exactly what I wanted in a partner or partners. They were calm. Thoughtful. Interested in what I had to say. Eye contact was made and kept.

So, why didn’t they want me?

I was somewhat socially awkward in person, but I thought I had sent out the signals.

Maybe signals weren’t enough for my gargoyles.

I might have to just throw myself at them.

As I got out of the tub, I threw out all my preconceived notions and decided to go with my heart. When I signed up for the app, I expected to have to dodge their advances. My research told me shifters were a sexually fluid bunch. No rules. They let their animals rule them and their sexuality. Shifters in books had only solidified that idea.

But I knew better than to assume anything.

I sat in my towel for a long while on the edge of the gargantuan bed, knowing that they were on either side of the walls, in their beds or maybe they’d turned to stone.

Gods, the thought of being with them, both of them, at the same time, drove through my mind over and over until I was a mess.

A mess who needed a cookie to deal with her emotions.

They did say to make myself at home and that anything in their home was mine for the taking.

If only that pertained to them.
