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“What did you want to know?” Oz asked.

“Do you really turn to stone?”

I snorted. “Yes.”

“What’s the story? I mean, how did gargoyles come to being?”

We told her the long, and what we thought was boring, story of how we were once dragon shifters and one of us was cursed by a witch, over a soured romance, of course. We could no longer fly but had wings. Our only rest in this life was to turn to stone.

“Wait a minute,” she stood up. “You don’t sleep unless you’re stone?”

Oz shook his head. “Of course we can sleep, but we only need about three hours or so a night. We can turn to stone at will. Sometimes, it helps when we’re stressed. Gives us a rest from this overactive human side of our brains.”

“It’s like meditation.”

I cocked my head. “Never thought of it that way. Have you tried meditation?” I asked.

She snorted and threw her head back. What I wouldn’t give to have my lips on her neck, making her cry out our names. Her hair was pulled up again, and this was how I loved her the most. “Can you imagine? I can hardly stay still in my chair long enough to get my work done. Meditation. Pfft.”

Chapter Seventeen


Around midnight, her first yawn came. It surprised me since she’d downed a large iced coffee only an hour before.

I wanted us like this forever. Malinda in her comfortable clothes. Those crazy pajama pants paired with a tank top. Us laughing together. Sharing our lives without pretense. No walls. No qualms about being exactly who we were.

Easy love. My eyes drifted to where her feet swished back and forth against each other. “Are you cold?” I asked. Instead of waiting, I pulled a throw from the back of the couch and covered her legs and feet. She stared at me like I had another head. “What?”

“Look, I…I need to ask you guys. We never talked about…” Malinda stuttered, not like her at all.

“What’s got you all flustered, female?” Koruk asked. I almost rolled my eyes. We all had the topic on our minds, but Malinda had to be the one to bring it up. She had to bring it up and she had to make the first move. We decided.

And if nothing else, we were gargoyles of our word.

“I’ll just say it. I’m…I’ve slept with two guys in my life. One long-term relationship. He cheated on me, and I ended up with the second right after—a rebound. One night only. But nobody since then. I’m clean, in case you were wondering. I got a test the day before I came here.”

Well, that was telling. I knew neither Koruk or I cared about her past partners. Nor were we likely to catch any human diseases. But what I wanted to know was what she would think of us.

“We,” Koruk started, giving me a look, “have waited for our true mate. Our fated mate.”

Malinda shot up to sitting so damned fast, I thought she might throw something out. “You waited for m…for your mate? All this time?”

I snorted. “We’re not sixty, Malinda. We’re in our early thirties, and saving ourselves for our mate wasn’t a sacrifice. It is an honor.”

Our mate was sitting next to us, in our home, and I hoped that sooner than later, she would make the move and we could make her ours. I’d had trouble all night keeping my cock in check, sometimes with the help of a strategically placed pillow.

“That’s true. But you are in remarkable shape for old men in their thirties.” She winked, and my cock stirred again. Damned thing was desperate to be inside her. I was desperate to be inside our mate. To show her exactly how much she meant to us.

Exactly how much we craved her.

Honestly, I was concerned about the short time we had with her. What if she simply didn’t fall for us in a week?

I had to put those worries aside and focus on the time we had with her. Every moment was precious.

“Well, thank you for that. If we could blush, I’m sure we would.” Koruk chuckled.

“I hate to say this guys, but I’m getting sleepy. But it sucks because you two won’t sleep as much as me. I feel like I’m going to miss out on something.”
