Page 135 of A Summoned Husband

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“Yes. Make noise for me, wife.”

Hearing him call me his wife did things to me that I was ashamed to admit to. Notoriously single Eden turned into mush when her husband called her his wife. Like he was staking a claim that turned me into putty.

Fuck, I was so far gone.

More heat poured into me and my eyes watered as an orgasm ripped through me. It tore me open making liquid pour down my thighs as every inch of me quaked. I didn’t get the chance to catch my breath before the heat returned. Pulsing. It set every inch of my nerves on fire. Lit me up. Made me scream.


My ears were ringing. Each gasp made me feel like I was slipping away from reality and a part of me wondered if I could die from being fucked so thoroughly. I mean… I was a mortal. This pussy was made for mortal dick and maybe Asmodeus’s equipment had pushed me over capacity and now I was dying. My demon husband — some kind of lust prince of hell — was going to fuck me to death.

And… I wasn’t mad about it.

“Don’t tell me you’re finished,” he teased. Something swiped through my folds, collecting all my slickness. Pressure pushed into the rear of me and I tensed, eyes wide. “Relax,” he cooed. “Breathe.”

“What are you—” Another quake of pure bliss moved through me and my teeth bit down hard on my bottom lip to trap the sound that would have ripped through me. With the thickness of him still filling me, I felt something push into the tight hole of my ass. It was hot, hard, and… vibrating.

“Breathe.” Hot muscle pressed into my back as Asmodeus whispered into my ear.

I could see the sleek black of his horns from the corner of my eyes. “I’m trying,” I gasped.

This was too much. It was the dial of my pleasure maxed out at ten and still being turned to see if there was anything left. Fuck, there was. I don’t think I had ever been so full. I could feel him pushing against the thin flesh that kept his cock and whatever else that was barely separated. He grunted low in my ear as the vibrating intensified.

His pace was slow. Teasing. Each drag felt like it would completely undo me. My eyes rolled back as he reached around, his fingers brushing over my bundle of nerves.

“Asmodeus,” I screamed. It was a desperate sound. Hoarse. Almost painful to someone who didn’t know better. Who had never felt the magic that was Asmodeus.

There was only one thing missing.

“Bite me,” I moaned. Something about his fangs in my skin was like him injecting pure lust and pleasure into me.

My body was his to use and that I could even force the demand out was a miracle. My voice sounded foreign in my ears. This was it. The sex people always boasted existed but I had never found.

“As you command, my wife.”

His teeth sunk into my flesh and my toes curled. My thighs shook, trembling as wave upon wave of everything good pulsed through me, pulling each and every muscle as tight as it could go. Holding it bunched. My head dropped and my eyes closed, my mouth open on a silent scream that never came because there was no breath in my lungs to make it happen.

Heat poured into me. It filled me in bursts and spurts. Everything inside me uncoiled and I relaxed, quickly turning to mush. The pull of his mouth at the side of my neck sent aftershocks through me.

I collapsed forward but didn’t fall to meet the bed. Instead, I was held suspended, the strength of Asmodeus’s hand at my throat keeping me up as he continued his languid yet brutal pace. He released his hold on my neck and I felt the slow drip of my blood on my skin. The heat of his breath brushed against the back of my neck, making me shiver as he made each bead of sweat collected there cold.

I was going to die. This was it.

“Come now, wife. Don’t tell me you’re done.”

I couldn’t.

And yet, everything in me tightened yet again.

“No,” I gasped as another orgasm rolled through me. Something told me with Asmodeus, I would never be done.



Churches had a smell. It tickled my nose and I covered my face as I sneezed for the dozenth time.

“Are you sure you’re allowed to be in here?” Sarika leaned forward to look past the group at me. “It almost seems like you’re allergic.”
