Page 134 of A Summoned Husband

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I was used to being a woman who needed work put in. My body had never been this reactive under someone else’s hands before. His palms against my thighs were enough to send me into a frenzy. I moaned, unashamed of the sound as his hands climbed higher and higher.

“It’s because I’m yours and your body knows it.” His nose brushed against the side of my neck sending my whole body into a fit of shivers. “How I crave to be used by you.”

The memory of his power surging through me when I needed it most came back to me but I pushed it away. I had no intention of using Asmodeus that way. The only way I planned to use him was in a way that would benefit us both.

My thighs parted and my hips rolled.

Asmodeus chuckled, the sound transforming into a needy growl. “Do you have a use for me, wife?”

My hands wrapped around his face as I pulled him up. Our eyes locked and he rolled his hips into me. “I can think of one or two uses for you.”

His lips pressed to mine. The kiss was heated but more chaste than I wanted. “Tell me.”

“Didn’t that witch say you were the king of depravity or something like that? Well, if that’s true, you should know.” I reached my hand between us, shoving it into the waistband of his pants. My hand wrapped around the thickness of him, my thumb tracing his defined ridges, and butterflies fluttered around my stomach. I squeezed him, thrilled when he grunted against my skin.

“Foolish demonic hierarchy.”

“I have no idea what that means.” I shoved his waistband under him, pleasure filling me as the heat of him pressed against me.

“Just the sovereign of demons.” He thrust into my hand.

“Sovereign.” It was really hard to process any of this with Asmodeus’s dick in my hand. I shoved my panties down, wiggling them down my legs. “Wait.” I grabbed him and ran the head of him through my folds. “Like royalty?”

His eyes fluttered closed as he pushed into me just enough to make me lose my breath. “Of sorts.”

My head whipped back as he pushed further into me. Those ridges were something I hoped my body never got used to. My toes curled and I wondered how the hell I was going to be able to take this when I already stood so close to the edge and we barely even started. He slid further in.

Of sorts.


My eyes snapped open. “What do you mean, of sorts? Are you royalty or something?”

Wrapping his arm under my thigh, Asmodeus pulled my thigh up, my knee touching the side of my arm before he thrust forward, completely filling me. All chances of communication vanished as stars shone behind my eyes.

Demon sovereignty be damned. All that mattered now was the electricity in my chest calmed as his hips rolled and he hit that button inside me that made me quake. I pressed my chest into him, my hands frantically grasping his shirt, needing to get it off so I could feel every blissful inch of his skin against mine.

I felt the same surge of something that I felt overcome me when I thought I was close to death. When I felt myself slipping away. Being torn. Only this time it was welcomed heat. It was embraced power. My leg clamped around his side as I held on to him.

“Asmodeus,” I moaned.

Paradise had a name and that was it. My toes curled as he quickened his rhythm. Each thrust made me feel like I was coming completely undone. My bottom lip pulled into my teeth as his hand took a slow path between my breasts to grasp the bottom of my throat. The barest squeeze was all it took to push me over the edge.

Toes curls, I cried out.

He leaned back, grabbing my leg to flip me over. His hands wrapped around my hips as he pulled me up on my knees. The heat of his chest pressed into my back as he leaned into me. Hot breath blew in my ear. “Don’t tell me you’re done.”

My hands fisted in the sheets.

He trailed a slow path up my hip until his hand found its place at the bottom of my throat. He tightened his hold as he resumed his rhythm, my breath hitching. “I have plans for you, my wife.”

Those damn butterflies started up again. I had been so afraid of what being bound to him would mean. The image of the demon who appeared in my house in the dead of the night was one of the most terrifying things I had ever experienced. Now the mere mention that I was his wife made my hormones take control.

“Plans for me?” I giggled. I wasn’t someone who giggled but I also wasn’t someone who partook in white people nonsense, summoned demons, and got married, so clearly I wasn’t the Eden I thought I knew. “Oh? Do tell.”

“I plan to show you just how tightly I hold lust in my hand. How I command it as easily as you command me.” Heat poured into my flesh and everything inside me set on fire. No, not fire. This was more erotic than mere flames. This was strategically placed heat in places that made me unfold while also filling me to the brink.

I cried out and dropped my face to the bed.
