Page 39 of Crow's Revenge

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I tilted my head back when he began to wash my breasts, rinsing off the soap and replacing the loofa with his tongue. He teased each nipple, sucking and licking until I squirmed.

His hands dipped lower, and he lifted one of my legs, placing it over his shoulder. “Brace yourself, my love.”

His love. Crow had called me a wide variety of endearments but never that one. God, I loved him so much it made my heart ache.

“I mean it. Marry you. Spending my life with you. Fucking you. Tasting this pussy. All of it.”

“I believe you.”

“You’re my favorite narcotic.”

“Oh, you do drugs now?”

He smirked. “Just you, babe. I’ll take a shot of you into my veins as often as I can. Overdose on your sweet pussy. I’m addicted.”

I couldn’t hold back a slight chuckle. “Is that so?”

“You paralyze me, Bella. Can’t fight my craving for you.”

“Yeah? I feel the same.”

He leaned forward and swiped his tongue between my legs, never breaking eye contact. “You taste like heaven.”

“Then I guess I’m an angel.”

We had the silliest banter during sex. I loved it.

“I’m so fucking hard right now.”

“Then why aren’t you inside me, Austin?”

He shook his head. “Not yet.”

His lips latched onto my clit, and I bucked my hips as two of his thick fingers entered me. I was already wet, and he growled with approval. He pumped in and out of me, building up my orgasm.

Crow knew how to get me off and didn’t waste time. I came with a shudder as he lapped at my pussy. I nearly fell over when he stood.

A smile teased his lips as he licked them and pressed my back against the wall, holding me upright. “Babe. I need your pussy now. Tell me to fuck you.”

“Oh, God. Give it to me good, Crow.”

His hands gripped my waist and lifted me as I wrapped my legs around his torso, admiring all the firm muscle. He had abdominal muscles that would make a bodybuilder jealous. The perfect grooves on the sides of hips. The kind of physique women went wild over, and he was all mine.

Not to mention, Crow had a big, thick cock. The full package.

He stroked his erection with one hand, his other holding my ass for support. “You want this dick, baby?”


Laughter rumbled through his chest. “You sound impatient. Didn’t you just come on my tongue?”

Yeah. So? “Please,” I begged.

He notched the crown at my entrance and entered me in a swift, deep plunge. I cried out as he moved, thrusting hard and fast. At this angle, my body weight and gravity pushing me down on him, I could feel him hitting that perfect spot. The one that always made me come hard and soak him.

He knew that.

“Play with your clit. This isn’t going to be a slow, lazy fuck. I’ll make love to you later, babe. Right now, I need to feel you squeeze my dick and come all over it.”
