Page 37 of Crow's Revenge

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“Because Carson is working a spell on Undertaker. I want him unconscious so I can take him back to The Roost.”

Oh, shit. “Revenge for Rook?”

“The club deserves it. It’s their choice. I’m giving them the fucking option.”

I didn’t doubt Undertaker deserved everything he had coming to him. This still felt kinda wrong. “Will the crows attack him?”

“Probably, but not before every member of the club gets their turn first.”

That sounded. . . bloody.

“So Carson isn’t just a federal agent, huh?” I knew that. It had been hinted at. But no one thought to fill me in with all the recent shit that had gone down. Gail just got to The Roost. Talon was tortured by Undertaker and almost didn’t make it. Laurel, Crow’s mother, decided to pop into his life out of nowhere. It wasn’t like he didn’t have a ton of shit going on.

“Damn, babe. I didn’t mean to exclude you.”

“I know,” I admitted truthfully.

“He’s a warlock. Yeah. Crazy, right? He uses earth magic or some shit. He can help with the vargulf.”

The vargulf. That was the darkness I felt around Undertaker.

“But he’s not just a murderous beast. He’s also an Alpha wolf. His clan’s leader.”

Wait. “He’s two beings in the same body?”

“Yeah. It complicates everything.”

I’d say so.

“These two parts,” I wondered. “Is one good and one bad?”

He blinked. “I guess so. That’s what Sadie says. The vargulf murdered Rook. He’s raped, murdered, kidnapped, and tortured people. He sent Chronos to pick up Bree.”

“Shit,” I whispered.

“But the Alpha wolf, he’s different. Arrogant. Lethal. Cunning. I can sense all those things about him. But he doesn’t feel evil like the vargulf.”

“I don’t know if I can separate the two,” I admitted truthfully. “Not after what happened to my sister.”

“Then you know why I have to have justice and vengeance for my father.”

I did.

“It still feels weird, doesn’t it?”

He lifted a hand to cradle the side of my face. “Yes. Because you’re not a cold-blooded killer. You have compassion.”

A shout drew our attention as Claw ran toward the SUV. I saw Rebel behind him, along with two others—all women.

What the fuck, Undertaker?

Claw opened the side door, and the women climbed in. He then clicked the door shut behind them.

I turned to Rebel. “Hey. You okay?”

“We will be now.”

I waved at the other two girls: a redhead and a brunette.
