Page 33 of Crow's Revenge

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Cuckoo patted me on the head. “You’re hard to kill. That’s good.”

Nice. “I’m happy to see you all too.”

“Bella.” My name left Crow’s lips in an agonized whisper. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. For our date. To protect you. If I had been,” he began.

No. It wasn’t his fault. “Hey. This isn’t on you. I know what’s going on with the club and all the shit with Undertaker. With Rook. I don’t blame you.”

“I could have lost you.” His forehead lowered to mine. “Fuck, babe.”

“I knew you would come. I never doubted.”

His hand slid around my neck. The warmth of his fingers caressed my chilled skin. “Always.”

“I think you need to marry me now,” I joked.

“Bella, baby, that’s my fucking goal. You say the date, and we will.” His gaze locked on mine as he lifted his head. “I’m fucking serious.”

“I know.”

“Then when?”

“Next month. End of July.”

“It’s a date.”

Chapter 9

Sadie returned to me.

I knew the moment she set foot back on pack lands. Her delicate, sweet scent grew stronger and drifted in the wind, tickling my nose. More than that, I felt her presence. My wolf recognized his mate. The vargulf salivated at the thought of fucking her again.

My reaction was instant. A hard-on that could hammer nails.

But Sadie wasn’t alone. She brought Carson, that fucking warlock. And those goddamn crows were here.

I shoved to my feet, knowing it was time to confront my enemy and that wasn’t the president of the Devil’s Murder MC. Although, he would definitely disagree.

The vargulf’s days were numbered. I’d see to that. If I died, so be it. It was worth it to save my mate.

The pack had been unleashed to hunt but with strict guidelines: no harming Bella or the Devil’s Murder members. They could intimidate, scare, or whatever else they wanted as long as they didn’t touch them.

I knew they needed to run. Their wolves were restless. Tensions ran high. The vargulf had grown impatient and insatiable. I constantly battled his will. The result was a leader who seemed at war within himself, which caused confusion within the pack.

Someone would challenge me to lead soon. I’d have to rip out his throat. I didn’t want to spill the blood of my brethren. The vargulf was unfazed by it—another reason he had to be put down. No leader should enjoy the thought of killing his clan, especially the Alpha.

Sadie would meet me at our favorite spot. In the late hours of the night, when the vargulf slept, I took her to the waterfall and bathed with her in the moonlight. There, exposed to the stars, we kissed and shared secrets.

I lost my heart to her in those precious stolen moments. Me. The vicious, ruthless monster. The murderous president of the Dirty Death MC. A man who never dared to dream of redemption. And she’d given me her trust.

For that reason alone, I knew Sadie would come.

Howls from the pack occasionally filled the forest as I walked to the waterfall, eager to see my mate. The vargulf seemed confused when I stopped here, fighting against my will. Over recent weeks, I had grown stronger while he’d grown weaker. The Alpha dominated the vargulf often.

He couldn’t make me fuck or kill now at his whim.

Sadie’s soft voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Undertaker.”

I hated that name. The vargulf. What he represented. All that he’d done. “Sadie.” I turned to her, noticing the healthy glow to her skin, the fresh flush in her cheeks, and the extra heartbeat thrumming inside her. Oh. Wow.
