Page 32 of Crow's Revenge

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Bella had to be close.

We searched the embankment, following the lake’s edge for miles. I had almost given up hope until I saw a pathway that dipped below a slab of overhanging rock. It hid a rough trail that wrapped around the side of the lake and then led toward another section of forest.

My boots pounded the ground as I splashed through the shallow stream. There! Prints from a dainty pair of boots!

Baby, I’m here.

She walked through this path recently. The boot prints were still muddy and hadn’t dried yet.


AS SOON AS I HEARD that howl, I knew the pack had found me.

In a futile effort, I ran. Stupid. I didn’t make it far before I tripped over an exposed tree root. Not my finest or most graceful moment. I landed hard, twisting my ankle in the process.

“Fuck!” I screamed, blinking back tears. This wasn’t good. Any second Dirty Death members would arrive. I was hurt and easy prey.

I rolled to my side and rose on my hands and knees. My ankle already throbbed, so I didn’t think about anything other than getting back on my feet. I had to be strong. Fierce. Brave.

I used a nearby branch to steady myself as I slowly rose, testing my weight to see if I could stand on both feet.

Nope. I almost buckled with the wave of pain that followed.

Tears filled my eyes and spilled over. I swiped across my cheeks, hating, feeling so weak and defeated. This wasn’t how I was going to die. No fucking way. I’d come too far. I survived my parents’ deaths, my Gram passing away, Bree’s kidnapping and recovery, building my own business, and finally finding the perfect guy. It wouldn’t end here.

I heard rustling and the heavy thud of something large moving toward me. On instinct, I scanned the area around me for a weapon. A heavy, thick branch had fallen from a nearby tree a few feet away. It looked snapped off, but I didn’t care. It would be sturdy enough to use for protection.

I just had to reach it.

There wasn’t time to crawl to it. I had to walk. Five steps. I nearly screamed at the pain shooting up my leg as my weight put pressure on my swelling ankle. I reached the branch and collapsed, picking it up as whoever found me finally reached my location.

It wasn’t Undertaker or any of his club members. No wolves or dangerous predators.


My hero rushed toward me, falling to his knees. His arms surrounded me, and it was all it took for me to burst into tears.

“Babe. I got you. I’m here.”

“You found me,” I blubbered.

“Always, Bella, mine.” He tilted my chin up, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “Are you hurt?”

“My ankle. I twisted it.”

A grim nod followed. “Let me see.”

I leaned back as he lifted my foot, scowling at the injury.

“Call Falcon,” Crow bellowed. “Tell him to get here as quick as he can.”

I didn’t notice Hawk, Claw, and Cuckoo were with him. “Hey, guys.”

“Glad to see you, Bella,” Hawk replied before he walked a short distance away, dialing Falcon’s number.

Claw grinned. “You’re tough.”

“I had to be,” I pointed out. “Big forest and all that.”
