Page 30 of Crow's Revenge

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“We’re good. Let’s go.” I climbed inside and shut the door. “Only about an hour left before we reach the pack lands.”

Chapter 8

Carson sped up as we approached the main gate outside Undertaker’s compound. His foot pressed the accelerator to the floorboard. “Hang on!”

“Shit!” I yelled, bracing for impact as he bulldozed through with the SUV and crashed the barrier, dragging the gate with us for several feet before it flew off and clattered a short distance away.

Behind us, I heard the rumble of engines and glanced in the rearview to see that Hawk, Claw, and Cuckoo had followed. I didn’t know if Carrion had arrived or not. I didn’t see him or his bike, but that didn’t mean shit. He never used conventional travel methods. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was hiding in the forest somewhere, already using the shadows to track Bella.

We finally made it after eight fucking hours on the road. I was antsy as fuck to find my woman and finally get justice for Rook.

Carson pulled to a stop outside a huge house. Mansion, to be precise. Undertaker was living well on this land.

Too bad he didn’t fucking own it any longer.

I opened the door and jumped out, palming my gun as I approached the house. My club brothers were right behind me. There wasn’t a need to kick down the door since it was unlocked when I checked the knob. The front door swung open, and we entered, spreading out to cover our asses in case of trouble.

There wasn’t a need. No one was there. Not a fucking soul greeted us.

Frowning, I continued to move from room to room, searching for Undertaker or any of his pack members. After a thorough search, we came up empty.

Down a long hall, we entered the bar. Oddly enough, it resembled ours. Lots of stools, leather couches, pool tables, neon liquor signs, and a wall of glass behind the rows of liquor. The Dirty Death logo hung on one wall, and another was filled with framed photos of club members.

I itched to burn the fucking place to the ground, but I didn’t have time to deal with this shit.

The entire fucking house was deserted. And now I was pissed.

Where was Bella?

We exited the bar, meeting Carson and Sadie by the SUV. Something was up. It had to be a trap. I didn’t put it past Undertaker to try to lure me into his forest where his pack had the advantage and could ambush us. They were fucking wolves.

A lone howl lifted into the air.

My gaze swung toward the trees. “They’re not here. No one is.” Realization hit me in the chest, and I almost stumbled as I took a step forward. “They’re hunting.”

“Oh, no,” Sadie gasped.

“The pack is hunting Bella,” Carson guessed. “You need to go!”


“You find Undertaker. Do your part. I’m going after my ol’ lady.” I didn’t stick around for a reply, racing toward the trees as I heard Hawk, Claw, and Cuckoo follow.

It was eerily quiet when we entered. Not even birds flew overhead or chirped within this forest. We still hadn’t seen or heard from the crows. I didn’t have time to worry about that right now. Bella was my only concern. Once I had her, I’d get her to safety and take care of Undertaker. He wasn’t escaping my revenge.

The club wanted vengeance for Rook, and they’d have it.

“This place is fucking creepy,” Hawk whispered.

Cuckoo shrugged. “I kinda like it.”

He would. Anything weird or horror-themed, he enjoyed. I hadn’t noticed his costume until now. I’d been too distracted.

“Are you Indiana Jones?”

“It seemed appropriate,” he answered with a shrug.

Claw snickered. “Yeah, it is, brother.”
