Page 29 of Crow's Revenge

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Your dad, Rook


What the hell did Carrion see that prompted all of this?

“Pull over, Carson.”


“I gotta piss.”

“Shit. I do, too.”

He eased the SUV off the road and onto the median, slowing to a stop. I opened the car door and walked a short distance away to a crop of trees.

Once I finished draining my bladder, I called Carrion.

He answered before it rang. Creepy. “Yeah, pres?”

“I read Rook’s letter.”

“Then you know it had to all go down just like this.”

I guess. “What you said about Gail. Is she safe?”

He paused, and I knew if I was with him, I’d see his eyes roll back in his head, and only the white portion would be visible.

“For now.”

“Can that change?”

“Shit can always change, Crow. That’s why I stay connected.”

Connected? “What do you mean?”

“The spirit world. The crows guide me.”

Wow. “Where are they?”


“Will they be there when I need them?”

He scoffed. “Always. They’re part of us. You know that.”

“If this is a success, I’ll keep Bella and Gail alive, right? They’ll be okay?”


“Who,” I paused and cleared my throat, “Who will we lose?”

“Even I can’t predict that, pres.”

I didn’t like that answer, but I could live with it. “Don’t go dark on me.”

“I won’t.”

We ended the call, and I walked back to the SUV. Carson and Sadie were waiting.
