Page 90 of Gamble

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“Let her play,” I say, my hand snaking out to trace the line of her jaw. “She’ll learn soon enough that it’s a game she can’t win.”

Fallon leans into my touch for a moment before pulling back. The air between us crackles with electricity, tension winding tight as a coiled spring. I know this dance well—the push and pull, the tease and denial. Fallon has become adept at it, but she forgets one thing: I own every inch of her and can do whatever I want with or to her.

“I think I am already winning,” Fallon giggles.

“Is that what you think?” I challenge, shoving Milo’s shoulder playfully. He laughs, a deep rumble, and falls back, taking Fallon with him. She shrieks a delightful sound, gripping my arm tightly as I hover over her, kneeling between Milo’s legs.

“Leone...” she breathes out, anticipation glinting in her eyes.

“You think I can’t take this pretty little pussy?” I whisper against her ear, my breath hot on her skin.

“Seems like it’s Milo’s now,” she says, laughter dancing in her voice, teasing me further.

“Good thing he likes sharing,” I growl, fisting my cock, a visceral reminder of the pleasure I’m about to claim. Roughly, I grab the back of her neck, pulling her head down to face the girth of my arousal. My other hand nudges at her entrance, where Milo is already buried deep inside her.

“Wait, what are you doing?” she blurts, panic flaring briefly in her tone.

“You wanted to tease me,” I say, a hard edge to my words. “Remember, love,” I pant, meeting Milo’s gaze over her trembling form. “You don’t get to deny me anything.”

“But Milo...” Her protest fades as I push against her, stretching her even further. She clings to my arm just as I grip the back of her knee. I push it alongside her ribs, opening her up for me.

“Shh... You can take both of us,” I warn her before driving into her. Our cocks slide alongside each other within her tight heat, and she groans, a gasp escaping her lips from the stretch she’s forced to endure.

“Leone!” she cries out, the sound strangled between a plea and ecstasy.

“I think I need to remind you who you belong to,” I murmur, pulling back only to slam into her again. Milo groans beneath her, his hands finding her hips, guiding her movements. Together, we set a punishing rhythm that has Fallon squirming, caught between the two of us.

She’s half begging us to stop, half pleading for more. But there’s no stopping now — not when she’s ignited this hunger in us, which demands to be sated.

“Fuck, Leone...” Milo’s voice is a ragged snarl, his own pleasure mingling with the raw energy between us. I can feel Fallon growing wetter around us, the slickness evidence of her mounting desire.

“See what you do to us?” I say. Her eyes are glazed with lust, lips parting in silent screams that soon find their voice as she nods her head.

“Please...I can’t—more, I need more!” Her pleas are a mix of contradictions, begging us to stop and to give her everything we have.

“More, huh?” I chuckle darkly, watching her come undone at our hands.

She cries out, a symphony of ecstasy and agony, as Milo and I move in perfect, relentless harmony. The air fills with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, her moans, our grunts, and the heady scent of sex.

“More, Leone, please,” she whimpers, her voice breaking as she’s caught between the dual forces of our desire.

Fallon’s body trembles, her green eyes wild and locked with mine as she surrenders completely.

“That’s it, fall apart for us,” I growl, my hold on her hips tightening. “That’s it, bella.”

With one final thrust, I feel her walls clench around me, her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave. Milo grunts, his own climax filling her, marking her as ours in every way he can.

As we both catch our breaths, I trail a possessive hand along Fallon’s sweat-soaked chest and between her breasts. “Now, we have an... understanding, don’t we?” I say, my voice low and dangerous. She nods, her head rolling back on Milo’s shoulder. I press my lips to her, gently slipping out of her.



Leone allows me to accompany them to the casino, and anticipation runs through my veins as I try to contain my nervousness from them as we enter the foyer. The prospect of escape makes me antsy, as I hope Marcus is on shift tonight. I haven’t seen him since that day at the hospital, and this may be my only chance at escape. My gaze flits across the casino floor, landing on Marcus standing at his usual table. The relief that washes over me is almost tangible; he’s here, which means there’s a chance.

“Come,” Leone’s voice cuts through my frantic thoughts, his hand gripping my elbow gently.

I let him guide me upstairs to a private room, where the air is thick with tension and cigar smoke. Milo trails behind us, silent as a shadow, while Dante and Vittorio converse with two men whose cold eyes make my skin crawl. Leone dumps me in a chair at the back of the room away from everyone, and I sigh. I thought he would take me to the office. Milo opens up a laptop and types away while Leone and the two men talk.
