Page 89 of Gamble

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Ducking my head, I lavish her with my tongue, reveling in the way she squirms and clutches at my hair. Her hips move against my mouth, riding the waves of pleasure I bestow upon her with each flick and swirl, making me groan at the taste of her. Just as she teeters on the brink, I pull back.

“Leone! You can’t leave me like this!” Her complaint is a strangled moan, her glare hot enough to scorch.

I smirk, swimming away to the center of the pool. “I can do what I want.”

She curses something under her breath, her frustration making her all the more enticing.

“Language, tesoro,” I remind her, watching her chest heave with ragged breaths.

“Fuck you, Leone.”

My muscles coil, ready to chase and drag her back in. Before I can move, Fallon stands towards Milo, who’s just lit a cigarette and is speaking to someone. Her fingers snatch it from between his lips with a triumphant smirk as he glares at her before telling whoever it is he has to go. He places his phone down, trying to take it from her, knowing that I hate her smoking.

“Fallon,” I snarl the warning, my voice a thunderclap against the calm of the day. The sight of her smoking grates on my nerves like sandpaper.

She evades Milo’s reaching hands and takes a long drag, eyes defiant as she blows smoke into the air. Milo reaches for the cigarette, but she shoves him back with surprising force. He stumbles, tripping over a pool chair, his expression caught between amusement and irritation.

“Will you deny Milo?” she taunts, straddling him now, her hips grinding down in a slow circle.

“Fuck,” Milo groans as he grips her hips, forgetting he should be helping me, not letting her tease him. But she slaps his hands away, making my blood boil even hotter.

Pulling myself out of the pool, my glare is sharp enough to cut glass, but she just bites her lip in a way that makes me want to take her right there and then.

I grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist while Milo, still pinned under her, tries to sit up. That’s when she does it – she reaches down, hand slipping between their bodies, releasing him, her palm wrapping around his length, and he groans loud enough for the gods to hear.

“Fallon!” My voice is a whip of warning as she turns on his lap, facing me with a devious smile as she releases his cock from his boxers. She draws back on her smoke, grinding her pussy over him before she sinks down onto him, taking him inside her, and the sight makes my cock jolt with a mix of possessiveness and raw desire.

“Fuck, I love her pussy,” Milo groans, lost in the sensation.

“Fallon,” I growl again, harsher this time.

“You look mad,” she says, an edge of playful defiance in her voice.

“I am. You know I don’t want you smoking.” My jaw clenches as she flicks ash from the cigarette, the ember glowing like a beacon of her defiance.

“Well, we don’t always get what we want,” Fallon purrs, her body undulating on Milo with a sinful rhythm. Her fingers dance over her clit, taunting me, challenging me. The sight is maddening; desire pulses through my veins, an animalistic urge I can’t tame.

“Enjoying the show, Leone?” she teases, a smirk on those luscious lips as she rolls her hips back onto Milo, who anchors his hands on her waist and thrusts upward, burying himself deep inside her.

She gasps as he drives up into her, and I press my lips in a line while she throws her head back, lost in ecstasy. Milo sits up slightly, his palms finding her breasts, kneading them roughly. The little minx is playing us both, a dangerous game with only one outcome.

“You like watching, don’t you?” she purrs, flicking her smoke onto the wet ground. My eyes roam over her naked body to where their bodies join.

“Goodbecause it’s his pussy now,” Fallon smirks, her eyes flashing with defiant triumph as she rides Milo reverse cowgirl. Her body is a sight to behold, each curve and line perfected in a way that drives me wild.

Milo laughs, a low, throaty sound filled with dark delight. “Oh, you are poking the beast, bambina,” he comments, his hands roaming freely over her skin.

“Am I?” she taunts, arching her back, her movements calculated and teasing. She knows what she’s doing, playing us against each other, stoking the fire. But it won’t work.

I prowl closer, water dripping from my frame, heat emanating off me in waves. My hands find the softness of her throat, eliciting a deep moan that vibrates against my touch. Her eyes flutter open, darkened with raw need, and I crash my lips onto hers in a punishing kiss.

“Tease me then,” I dare, my grip tightening. “Let’s see how that works out for you.” I bite her bottom lip until I taste her blood on my tongue. She jerks away and rocks harder onto Milo. She’s mine – and I’m about to remind her in every way possible, and she knows it. It’s undoubtedly why she is doing it. Her chest heaves with each breath she takes, her skin shimmering with droplets of water that cling to her like morning dew on blades of grass as I watch her eager pussy devour Milo’s thick cock.

I lean in close, my breath hot on her damp skin as I kiss along her jaw. “You think denying me is going to get you what you want?” I ask, my voice is low and dangerous.

Her eyes lock onto mine, a silent challenge in their depths. “It’s not about what I want,” she retorts. “It’s about what I’m giving to Milo. It’s his pleasure I’m concerned with right now, not yours.”

Milo chuckles, the sound echoing around us, dark and full of promise. “Cara, you’re playing a dangerous game. You know he’ll punish that ass later,” he warns, but there’s a hint of amusement in his voice.
