Page 82 of Gamble

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Leone’s gaze locks with mine, a mischievous spark igniting in his eyes. A wicked grin spreads across his lips, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.

From behind, Milo’s groan is soft, resonating like a quiet storm about to break. His presence presses against me just enough—a silent command that I’m theirs to control. My heart races, caught in the whirlwind of fear and excitement that twists my insides into knots.

I barely registered the movement before Milo’s fingers trace across my ass, his hands returning to the plug nestled inside me. He works it out slightly, then back in. It’s a stretch that stings, a burn that blazes trails along pathways I didn’t even know were there. But as quickly as the discomfort comes, it morphs into something else—an unfamiliar pleasure that spirals up from within.

“Relax... don’t tense, or it will hurt. Just breathe,” Milo guides, his voice a soothing contrast to the intensity of his actions.

His rhythm syncs with Leone’s movements below me. Each circle of the plug mirrors the thrust of the man I straddle, creating sensations that pull strangled moans from my throat.

“Such a good girl.” Milo’s praise is a whisper against my nape, his breath hot on my skin as he continues his torturous play.

My chest heaves, each breath a struggle to draw as the coil of heat tightens within me. Milo’s deft fingers, once teasing the plug, now grip my flesh with a possessive force that sends jolts of electricity skittering across my skin.

“Shh, just breathe,” Milo murmurs, the warmth of his breath cascading down my spine. I nod, eyes clenched shut, focusing on the rise and fall of my breath.

With a swift movement, the plug is gone, leaving a void that Milo doesn’t allow to linger. The press of him—insistent, against my back passage sends a shockwave through me. My muscles tense, clenching around nothing before he fills me, inch by deliberate inch.

“Relax, Fallon... relax for me,” Leone commands from beneath me, his hands firm on my waist, steering me back onto him, but my hand moves to grip Milo’s hip, the pain becoming too much.

I gasp, the sharp edge of pleasure cutting through the haze as Milo’s presence becomes an undeniable force behind me. My instinct to flee is quashed by Leone’s iron grip, his hands on my hips, a grip I can’t break. The foreign sensation of being filled there sends a jolt through me, and the vibrations from the device in Milo’s hand are like wildfire licking through my veins.

“You need to relax, Fallon,” Milo breathes into my ear, the vibrations against me now a pulsating heartbeat that echoes my own.

“Can you feel that? You’re doing so well for us,” Leone coaxes, his voice a sinful melody that vibrates through my chest. Each word is encouragement, a command wrapped in velvet.

Milo’s entry is a slow burn, an exquisite agony that bleeds into pleasure with each measured retreat and advance.

The pain melts into a delirium of pleasure, and I rock against them, chasing the tremors that promise release. Milo’s control is steady and unhurried as he sinks deeper, allowing my body to adjust. “That’s it baby, fuck she is tight,” he groans with restrained hunger, the depth of his voice sending shivers down my spine.

Leone’s touch is merciless, fingers teasing, pinching, pulling – a relentless assault on my senses. His mouth finds mine, a kiss that devours any remaining resistance. “That’s it, baby, take his cock,” he urges.

The stretch is overwhelming when Milo’s body meets mine completely, a moment of fullness that steals the air from my lungs. I’m theirs, split open and raw, existing only in this sliver of time where they orchestrate my undoing.

“Touch yourself, bambina, you’ll need it,” Leone whispers, his command more tender than expected. He guides my trembling hand to the vibrator, now slick with my arousal.

My fingers fumble, but the need is too great, the pressure building. As I press the buzzing toy against myself, Leone lifts me slightly, only to slam back into me with a force that sparks stars behind my eyes. Milo follows suit, a perfect counterpart. They move with a synchrony that seems practiced.

“More,” I plead, the sensations melding together into one stream of blinding ecstasy. They oblige, their pace quickening, thrusts deeper, harder, each one a promise of the climax that hovers almost unreachable.

“Look at her, taking us both,” Milo says, his voice thick with lust. “You’re made for this.”

“Feels so full...” I whimper, the confession torn from lips that tremble with the effort of articulation.

“Exactly how we want you,” Milo growls, his voice a dark promise. “Full of us, surrounded by us.”

Their synchronized movements push me to a precipice I’ve never known—one where pain and ecstasy blur, where the world narrows to the space we occupy. Leone’s arms envelop me, his embrace both prison and sanctuary as they plunge me toward oblivion. I am nothing but nerve endings afire, a chorus of moans and cries that are theirs now.

“Are you ready to come for us, Fallon?” Leone asks, his tone a silken thread laced with dominance.

“Please,” is all I can manage, my world narrowing to the push and pull, the exquisite friction they create within me.

“Then come,” Milo commands, and it’s that final spark that ignites me, sending me spiraling into an abyss of pleasure. I shatter between them, consumed by the tide that crashes over me, a wave of white-hot ecstasy that threatens to drown me in its wake.

My cries mingle with their grunted moans as Leone and Milo follow suit, filling me with their combined heat. I feel myself being used, but currently, I don’t care. The only thing that matters is the release that rocks my entire being when Milo stills, spilling himself inside me, and a second later I feel the hot release of Leone coat my insides. I gasp for breath, putty in their hands as I collapse against Leone’s chest. His fingers dance up my spine, and I hiss when I feel Milo slowly pull out of me.

“You did good, love,” Leone whispers against my temple when I feel his lips press gently to the side of my face. I close my eyes, a cold shiver rushing over me now that the heat of my pleasure subsides.

