Page 81 of Gamble

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Leone’s grip is firm on my thigh, fingers branding me as he slides his hand to the back of my knee, hoisting my leg to rest against his hip. The power in his touch sends a shiver up my spine, anticipation twisting inside me. “He’s taking that ass, and you’re going to love it,” Leone whispers against my lips before claiming them in a consuming kiss.

I can’t hold back the moan that escapes into his mouth; my hands instinctively find his chest, nails grazing over the contours of his muscles, feeling the heat emanating from him. Milo’s hand is a contrasting sensation as he grips my ass cheek.

“Focus on the vibration. Focus on me cara mia,” Leone groans, the command in his tone seeping into my bones. There is a click from a bottle opening, and wetness coats my hole. Milo’s fingers probe me gently, coating me with lube. I suck in a shuddering breath at the feel of lube-slicked metal pressing into me. As Milo begins to work the plug into me, uncertainty laces my pleasure. I tense, the unfamiliar intrusion sparking a mix of fear and desire.

But Leone is relentless, pinching my nipple sharply, capturing my gasp with his demanding tongue. His actions anchor me as I rock my hips involuntarily against the vibrator, chasing the wave of ecstasy he offers as a distraction. My entire body quakes, caught between two forces when suddenly, the pressure snaps—the butt plug slipping inside me, and I’m floating on a strange new edge.

“That’s my good girl,” Milo’s whisper is both praise and a velvet caress that wraps around my fevered mind, urging me to surrender to the sensations that threaten to overwhelm me.

Milo’s hands, firm but gentle, maneuver the plug with an expertise that has my body both tensing and releasing in equal measure. A soft whimper escapes my lips, muffled by Leone’s devouring kiss. His tongue moves against mine, a silent command to focus on him, to trust him, as sensations both foreign and intense ripple through me.

“Relax, Fallon,” Leone murmurs against my mouth, his voice both commanding and soothing. He scoops me into his arms effortlessly; his strength is a reminder of the power he wields so casually. As we leave the bathroom’s steamy confines, the bedroom’s cooler air licks at my skin, raising goosebumps.

Leone sets me down gently on the edge of the bed, his fingertips trailing fire along my damp flesh. His gaze locks onto mine, dark and full of promises meant to entice, but they also terrify me. I can’t look away; it’s as if he’s peeling back the layers of my soul, seeing things I dare not admit even to myself.

“Bellimisa,” he breathes out, the word reverberating through me like a caress.

My hands, tentative but curious, explore the landscape of his body—the thick cords of muscle beneath his inked skin flex under my touch. My fingers dance across his abs, tracing the valleys and ridges of his toned physique. The heat of him seeps into my very bones, a warning of the inferno that’s yet to come.

Nervous energy crackles through me, my heart a palpitating rhythm against my ribs. The room’s cool air brushes against my fevered skin as Leone towers over me, his touch unexpectedly gentle.

“Open your legs for me. Show me that beautiful pussy,” Leone’s voice is low and authoritative, leaving no room for disobedience. My legs spread at his command, betraying their quiver, and the butt plug shifts inside me, a foreign fullness that makes me want to clench and expel it all at once.

Milo emerges from the shadows, a predatory smile plastered across his handsome face. He tosses a towel to Leone, who dries off with deliberate strokes, keeping his gaze locked onto mine. Milo then crawls toward me, wedging a knee between my thighs, his lips finding mine in a forceful kiss that pins me flat to the mattress.

“We won’t hurt you,” he whispers, his breath hot against my mouth, the lie so sweet I almost believe it.

Milo’s weight shifts, as he moves to my side and instinctively, I try to rise, but Leone’s mouth crashes down on mine, a savage claiming that leaves no space for protest. His hardness grinds against me, a pressure that demands my hips to arch into him. My body betrays its fear, responding to his touch.

“This will be uncomfortable, but not for long, I promise,” Leone murmurs as he retreats to kneel before me, his hands rough yet strangely reverent as they explore the juncture of my thighs.

“Fuck, she’s so wet,” Leone groans, his fingers parting me further, exposing my lower lips to both their gazes.

“You like the way he teases you, love,” Milo’s husky voice floats to me, tinged with dark amusement as Leone’s cock replaces his fingers and he nudges insistently at my entrance.

Their eyes meet over me, an unspoken exchange flitting between them, leaving a tight coil of anticipation in my belly. But before I can decipher their silent conversation, Milo’s mouth descends upon mine again, swallowing any question I might have had.

At the same time, Leone drags me closer and drives into me with one sharp thrust, tearing a cry from my throat as blinding pain lances through me. “Breathe, bambina,” Leone coaxes, his body unmoving, allowing me the small mercy to adjust to his size.

As if summoned by my burning distress, the buzzing hum of the vibrator returns, pressed against my throbbing clit by Leone’s steady hand. My body convulses, torn between the burgeoning pleasure and lingering sting.

“Fuck, she is gripping me so tight,” Leone’s voice is strained, lust-laced, as he manipulates the vibrator, drawing moans from deep within me, turning my squirms into a desperate need for more.

Milo’s lips brush against mine, a fleeting kiss that eases the edge of my anxiety. “That’s my girl,” he whispers, his breath fanning over my face, encouraging me as Leone pulls out slowly. The slight withdrawal sends a pang of loss through me until he pushes forward again, gentler this time, allowing my body to adjust to his massive size, stretching me. Each tender thrust nudges away the sharpness of my pain, replacing it with a burning heat that spreads from where we’re joined.

Milo watches us, his gaze heavy with desire. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he says in a low growl, and I can’t help but agree—the sensation is intoxicating as my hips move, and I try to meet each thrust.

Leone’s mouth captures mine once more, demanding and dominant, as he drives deeper into me. My hips rise instinctively to meet his, finding a rhythm together as he lifts my leg, hooking it higher up along his side. The movement shifts the butt plug inside me, adding another layer of sensation that borders on overwhelming. Stretched so completely, I feel every inch of him, every ridge and vein, and it’s both terrifying and tantalizing.

“You’re going to take both of us,” Leone states, his voice a dark promise that dances down my spine. I shake my head, disbelief mingling with the spiraling pleasure, unsure how I could possibly withstand more.

“I can’t,” I moan.

“Yes, you can and will.” His words are firm, filled with an assurance that leaves little room for doubt. His thrusts become slower, but each one sinks deeper, hitting spots within me that leave me gasping for air, heightening my pleasure until it feels like I’m teetering on the edge of a precipice.

Unexpectedly, Leone releases my leg and rolls us over, positioning me on top of him. A groan escapes me at the sudden depth he reaches now, and Leone smirks up at me, a predator satisfied with his prey. He guides my hips, showing me how to move, how to ride the waves of ecstasy building between us. Pleasure mounts within me, climbing ever higher, and just when I think I can’t take anymore, I feel the bed shift behind me.

Milo’s presence looms, adding to the tension already thick in the air. I’m caught between them, a vessel for their shared desire, and I know without a word that they plan to take me to heights I’ve never known.
