Page 69 of Twisted Deeds

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I had to pull it the fuck together. She needed to come again before I blew, and I already knew this wasn’t going to last all night. It was too damn good, and I’d waited too damn long to make her mine.

I tutted softly. “Don’t think I’m going to take it easy on you, though…You need to come at least two more times before we’re done.”

Her lips tilted up and she shook her head. “Well…make me,” she murmured.

“You have to make me.”

“With pleasure.”

Moving her back upright, I snaked a hand between us. She was still sensitive on her clit, but she could take it. I circled the puffy bud and she doubled over nearly immediately.

“Did you come without me, you little brat?” I groaned as her pussy clamped down around my length. I fisted her hair and crushed her lips to mine as I followed her.

We kept kissing as I came, my strangled moan swallowed by her lips.

Being bare inside this woman was a homecoming I hadn’t known I needed all my life. There would never be an acceptable substitute. It was this or nothing from now on.

I stayed pressed deep for the longest time, my lips moving over her neck and face. Her body was draped over mine, pressing me into the bed. I wrapped my arms around her back and held her, right there, impaled on me, full of my cum, sated and sleepy.

It was a perfect moment. Lifetimes later, she sat up and blinked sleepily. I helped her shift to the side.

I got up and stared down at her. I should go, shouldn’t I? It was then that I noticed the new bed frame. “Nice bed…Is it new?” I teased.

She rolled her eyes at me and crawled up the mattress, arranging herself to be comfortable. Was she planning on sleeping naked? Suddenly, leaving wasn’t a very attractive proposition.

“Yeah, it is, thanks to some asshole.”

“That asshole is your boyfriend, remember, Ice Queen?” I braced a hand on the bed and leaned down to smack her round ass, enjoying the way it jiggled under my palm.

She sighed, sounding so perfectly bratty and tired, I really didn’t want to go anywhere. It was warm, Winter’s bed was huge, and she was naked in it. There really wasn’t a reason to leave. None at all.

“Move over,” I told Winter.

She was lying on her front, right in the middle of the bed. Her Majesty wasn’t used to sleeping with someone else. That was fine, neither was I.

She lifted her head to look at me as I claimed a side. “What are you doing?”

“Going to sleep, what does it look like? It’s fucking cold outside, and I’m tired.”

She stared at me for a long moment and then rested her head back on the pillow. “Whatever.”

I reached down and grabbed the covers that had fallen to the floor and pulled them over us. They smelled like her. Night jasmine and amber. Expensive, exclusive things that I never thought I’d have. A woman I never thought I’d touch, and here I was sleeping right beside her, her cunt still holding my cum. It was funny how life went.

I relaxed back. Winter’s bed was really fucking comfortable. Maybe I should sleep here from now on?

I felt her reassuring presence at my side. She wasn’t out getting into trouble somewhere or talking back to the wrong person. She was right here beside me, where I could keep an eye on her. A strange comfort I hadn’t known I’d wanted until this moment.

I closed my eyes and slept.


The sorority house was quiet that morning when I woke up. I was alone in bed. I didn’t need to look to know. The warmth that Asher emanated was missing. He had to go to practice before the sun came up most days, like all serious athletes in college. I lay there way too long, staring at the ceiling, last night replaying in my mind. I’d had sex, with my bully no less. Oh, and he also happened to be my fake boyfriend. I had a talent for complicating things, clearly.

I turned over to reach for my phone and was met with the sound of crinkling paper.

A sketch.

I was familiar with Asher’s simple, striking style. I was sleeping in the picture. Peaceful, sated. There was something suggestive about the line drawing. The woman in the picture looked like she’d just been fucked. The crude, unexpected thought made me hot and bothered all over. I needed a shower. I smelled like Asher. I didn’t hate it.
