Page 68 of Twisted Deeds

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I’d barely finished when his hands were tugging the panties down. I was so wet, I was dripping down my legs. My clit was twitching like mad when he slid his fingers over it. I seized up, unable to stand the sensation. His fingers trailed down and found my entrance, pressing inside.

“Yes, oh god, yes,” I panted. The orgasm was still so close, and suddenly being filled where it had been so empty before felt beyond amazing.

“I know what you need, Your Majesty,” he murmured, pulling his fingers free and replacing them with his rounded tip, pressing just inside. “Let me give you what you need.”

Then he was pressing in, stretching me like nothing ever had before. He was long and thick, and my muscles fought him. But it felt so good and I was so ready, that before I knew it, he was seated deep inside.

“Fuck, you feel amazing bare,” he grunted, pausing for a moment to let me adjust.

“That’s because you’ve never done it before,” I mused, shocked at that fact. Asher always fucked with condoms? According to Selena, most guys didn’t like them. Even more shocking, he hadn’t fucked anyone since that Parents’ Day? That was over a year ago. I didn’t know what to feel about that.

“From now on, this is the way we fuck. I can’t go back, now that I’ve felt all of you,” he muttered and started to move. A million women’s magazines, TV shows, and movies had prepared me to think that this was really going to hurt. Honestly, there was pain, the new and unfamiliar feeling of untested muscles. But there was also pleasure, and that overwhelmed me with every second that he thrust steadily into me. Before I knew it, my earlier orgasm was rushing back, but this time it promised to be something else entirely.

Asher was hot, his neck beaded with sweat, his strong, lithe body never still, driving me insane. I clung onto him as he rocked inside me, resting his forehead against mine.

“Fucking hell,” he swore. “You were made for this, Your Majesty,” he growled.

“Having sex?” I squeaked. I didn’t know whether it was a compliment or an insult.

“Being fucked — by me,” he said in a tight voice.


I changed positions, knowing I was probably too heavy to fuck her into the mattress for too long. I lay down and pulled her onto my lap. She straddled me uncertainly, and then gasped as I guided my cock into her again, her tight little body barely allowing me entry. She was wet and loosened up from coming, but even then, her muscles were reluctant to part. She sat on me, unmoving.

“It’s too big,” she muttered, her eyes wild.

“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” I grinned up at her, trying my best not to thrust too deep and scare her. I gripped her ass and lifted her a few inches, shallowly thrusting upwards.

“It wasn’t one,” she retorted. Her tone pulled a chuckle from me.

“Are you laughing?” she demanded, lifting her hips in a way that allowed me to slide a bit deeper. Fuck, it was good.

“You’re the only woman who could make me laugh in this situation,” I admitted. It felt good. There was no awkwardness. Only comfort. Her skin against mine felt natural. I was supposed to fuck this woman. I felt it in my soul.

I thrust higher and she drew in a shaky breath.

“It’ll get better soon,” I promised her in a tight voice.

“Easy for you to say, you’re not getting impaled on a monster-sized cock.” Her prim tone was my undoing. I lose the battle to hold back and pulled her forward, driving into her harder from below.

She was silent, clenching and unclenching around me. Her eyes locked to mine.

She was never going to forget this moment, and that felt good. I wanted that tiny piece of her memory; I wanted to be embedded in her forever. A part of her that was just mine, forever.

“You good, Ice Queen?” I asked her when she moaned, getting used to the intrusion.

She nodded and bit her lip, holding something back.

“What?” I stroked strands of hair from her face.

“This is my first time,” she murmured.

It was my first time in a long time too, and bare, no less. I just nodded.

“I’m glad it’s with you,” she added, reaching into my chest and warming up my lonely heart.

Likewise, Your Majesty.
