Page 65 of Twisted Deeds

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He’d scored twice tonight, and the Hellions had won. He was probably out partying with the team now. Marcus always seemed to drag his friends into temptation. Unless he’d been arrested for fighting with Trent, that was.

Who was he with? What were they doing?

I swallowed those uncomfortable questions, stuffing them down deep inside where I couldn’t think about them anymore.

Instead, I browsed the photos of Asher. Crap, he was hot. If he was at an after-party, he was probably swarmed with interested girls. Of course he was. It was human nature. He was hot, talented, strong, and smooth as silk when he wanted to be. He was cheeky and dangerous, somehow both at the same time. He was also protective as hell and could be a gentleman when you least expected it.

Just thinking about him and staring at the pictures got me all squirmy. My nipples had hardened at just the thought of him. I couldn’t get a crush on my fake boyfriend. That couldn’t happen. If that happened, I’d be finished. I’d die of humiliation if he knew I was lying here in bed thinking about him.

But…Asher wasn’t here. He didn’t know.

I set down my phone and reached into my nightstand. My new bed had been delivered a few days ago, so I was comfortable again in my room. Replacing my bed had been a top priority, but there was one other thing I’d had to replace that Asher had messed with.

My vibrator.

While surfing the site, something fun and new had caught my eye: clit-eating panties. (Seriously, what would they think of next?) Selena wasn’t here, and I was turned on from looking at photos of a sweaty and bloodstained Asher in action. It was the perfect time to try them out.

Five minutes later, I had them on and a remote clutched in my hand. I put it on the lowest setting, and and a powerful vibration shot through me. Oh my. That was strong. I’d only put the vibration to level three, and the level went all the way up to ten.

It didn’t take me long to come. I lay back, letting the clever massage and suction function of the mesh panties do their job, and picked up my phone again. I didn’t read any of my usual spicy book scenes to get myself off. I looked at Asher’s game photos. This was bad. This was embarrassing, but, I rationalized, no one needed to know.

I came hard. Not hard like I had when he’d had his hand buried between my legs, but harder than I usually would alone. It was the photos and the thought of him. I shouldn’t let myself feel anything for my hockey bully turned fake boyfriend, but I couldn’t deny that it might already be too late.

I fell asleep somewhere between coming and fumbling to turn off the panties, losing the remote in the covers in the process.

I woke with a start, having no idea what had roused me from sleep until I heard it. The soft, persistent rhythm of someone walking over squeaking floorboards, right beside my bed. Fear shot through me, visceral and crippling. I kept my eyes closed, scared to open them and see anyone other than Selena. Had she come back? No, I didn’t think so. She wasn’t capable of being so stealthy.

Leather creaked, and the footsteps moved away from the bed. A huge dark shape became visible, outlined against the window. The person was tall and broad, and there was something immediately familiar about his powerful grace as he sank into the chair beside my bed.


A knot formed in my throat, and I found it hard to breathe. He sat completely still, and I couldn’t make out anything but the line of his shoulders, his head tilted toward me. It was dark, too dark for him to see me, I thought, but maybe I was wrong.

After a moment, he shifted forward, and I slammed my eyes closed. My heart was pounding so hard he could probably hear it. My breath was difficult to hold on to; it kept running away. I felt excited, like I’d been running or in a chase.

Asher reached out a long arm and carefully pushed my hair back from my face. His fingertips brushed my cheek, setting my skin on fire.

What was he staring at? He shifted forward again and stood. Every nerve in my body felt like it was focused on him and his movements. It was quiet. I didn’t dare open my eyes to see where he was.

Then his fingers touched my leg. They trailed up my shin and over my knee, leaving shivers behind.

He reached my thigh and paused. “Red light or green light, Ice Queen?”

I nearly jumped at his voice. Did he know I was awake?

He chuckled. “I hate to break it to you, but you’re not a great actress.”

Crap. He knew. His hand drifted back down my leg. No. Don’t go! But he wasn’t finished. Instead, he gripped my ankle and tickled my damn foot. I shot up and yelped. I had crazy ticklish feet.

He laughed as I tried to kick him.

“Hey! Get off,” I pleaded, writhing around on the bed, trying desperately to get the maddening touch to stop.

“Say please.”

“Please, please stop. I’m begging you,” I laughed.

Asher sank onto the bed beside my feet. “Who knew that all I needed to do was tickle you to make you more pliable.”
