Page 48 of Twisted Deeds

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“Cum on your face is a great look for you…Is this what you and the other hockey players get up to after all that sexual tension building up on the ice?” I mocked, unable to heed the dangerous look in his eyes.

Then the corner of one of his full, frankly beautiful, lips tilted up. He ignored my goading about the team and lowered his face to mine. I realized what he was going to do just before he did it. I started to fight, but it was too late. He had one hand pinning my wrists, and he used the other to grip my chin. His wet lips met mine, his tongue forcing its way inside. His cum spread over my lips, slipping into my mouth, saltier than I’d expected, and musky in a way that my body seemed to react to. Maybe it was just biology, a chemical reaction, but I didn’t hate it. Even though I should have…shouldn’t I?

His tongue tangled against mine, fighting, caressing; I had no idea what we were doing, only that it felt good. Damn me to Hell, it felt amazing.

He moved over me, pressing me further into the bed. My legs went around his hips, trapping him against me. The hand on my chin moved into my hair, sending goosebumps rippling across my skin. Everywhere he touched, burned. He tugged my head back by the hair, giving me nowhere to hide from his hungry eyes.

“Is this the way to shut your venomous mouth? Should I just keep you like this, dazed and confused?” he murmured against my lips, before trailing his lips down my neck. The drag of his stubble sent pure pleasure shooting through me. I threw my head back, my back arching into him.

“Fuck, I like it when you taste like me,” he muttered, making my heart pound. What was happening to me? What was happening to us?

A thump at the door sent my trembling heart flying into my mouth.

“Asher? Are we leaving or what?” Marcus said, just as he opened the door.

I sprang off the bed and evaded Asher’s grip as he lunged for me.

“Learn to knock, Bailey,” Asher growled at his friend as I danced out of reach.

I grabbed my bag and ran for it.

I was on my way to the art building when my phone vibrated in my pocket. My heart beat faster when I saw Asher’s name.

I’ve got your portfolio, Ice Queen, in case you forgot what you came for…

I needed it back for class.

I kept my reply short and snappy. I was a bad loser and somehow, that encounter in his room felt like he’d scored another point.

Better come and get it then.

Right, like I was walking back into that room right now. I could still taste him in my mouth. My fingers flew over the keyboard.

Are you still at home?


Go to the window…

Okay, and?


I stuffed my phone back into my bag and ran up the steps to the art building. It was too late to get it now; I’d have to get it later. Maybe I could ask Eve to grab it for me. She was a verified angel. She’d been the one to find me tied to the goal and free me last night, and then insisted that I borrow something to wear and go to the party with her.

“Don’t let my brother see he got to you.” As his twin, it seemed that Eve knew a little something about getting under Asher’s skin, so her advice was gold.

Something else she’d said last night had stuck in my head.

“Are you really dating?” Eve wondered.

I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to lie to Eve about me and her brother, but I also didn’t want the truth to get out.

“It’s complicated,” I hedged.

“I’m not surprised. Asher’s a great brother, a great son, but he doesn’t have a good dating track record.”

