Page 47 of Twisted Deeds

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Before I lost it in the enclosed space, I pushed open the door and stepped out, averting my eyes from the sight of him stroking his cock right in front of me.

“To what do I owe this honor, Your Majesty? Come to return the favor from last night?” His dark eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Why would I do that? You seem very proficient with getting yourself off…had a lot of practice, have you?” I folded my arms over my chest and raised my chin toward him. No need to let him see how much he got to me.

He chuckled as he felt with one hand in his nightstand. “Not as much as you, it seems.”

I glanced over at what he could be talking about and froze. My favorite vibrator bag was clutched in his hand. The freak had stolen my vibrator? I was going to kill him.

I held out my hand. “Give it to me.”

“Give what?” Asher asked. His hand was moving faster on his cock, and it was hypnotic. I’d never seen a guy get off like this, in real life, right beside me. It was far more intriguing than I’d ever expected.

“Give it to me now,” I ordered.

He chuckled and nodded toward the edge of the bed. “Sure thing. Push up that skirt, turn around and bend over, and I’ll happily give it to you. Keep the crotchless panties on…I made them for you.”

“Asher!” The protest slipped from my lips before I could stop it. So much for not letting him see how much he was getting under my skin.

“Yes, Ice Queen?”

“Stop doing that and give me my portfolio. I don’t want to see you jerking off.”

“Stop staring, then. No one asked you to watch,” he advised and grinned when I glanced away, my cheeks growing hot.

“Why don’t you have any clothes in this room?” I demanded, trying to change the subject.

“You think I’m going to let you come over here and cut my stuff up?” His laugh morphed into a half groan.

“You’d deserve it. You messed with my stuff?—”

“And you messed with my life. This is how the game works. It’s okay not to win everything. The world won’t end,” he said and groaned low in his throat.

Was he close? He was really going to come right here, with me watching? I faced him; I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to see this guy at his most vulnerable.

I’d only just turned toward him when his hand closed around my wrist.

“No!” I gave a strangled yelp as he tugged me into him.

I put my hand out to stop my descent, but there was nothing to hold on to. I landed on his lap, my hand brushing over his throbbing cock.

“Fuck, yes,” he hissed, closing his eyes and throwing his head back.

My brain struggled to keep up. I looked down as he took my hand and wrapped it around his cock. There was no way I was getting my fingers closed. It was too thick, marbled with veins and silky somehow, despite being so hard. That random observation occurred to me just as his cock pulsed in my grip. Surges of cum escaped the tip, long sticky stripes of it spilling over my hand. It was both horrifying and riveting. His pleasure washed over me in hot waves. It felt unbearably intimate, and I wasn’t prepared for that at all. He thrust into my grip, his cock still hard and lubed up with his cum. It was obscene and visceral. The artist in me longed to photograph this man after he’d just come. All that coiled, lazy power filling the air, the way he watched my hand on him with hooded eyes, his broad chest rising and falling quickly; undone, but never diminished.

“What the hell!” I yelled. I let go of his cock and fixed him with a steely gaze. My hand was sticky and felt marked somehow, forever changed. “You pervert!”

He laughed. It sounded more lighthearted than usual. He thought he’d gotten one over on me. The competitive edge, born of the little girl who’d waited all damn day for her dad’s attention, kicked in.

“You like that, Martino? How about this?” I brought my hand to his face in a flash and smeared my cum-slicked fingers across his lips.

He jerked. I cackled, feeling a bit unhinged.

“Oh, Your Majesty, you’re gonna pay for that,” he growled and grabbed me around the waist when I tried to get away.

I wiped my wet hand on the bedspread, which quickly absorbed all the cum. “Ha! It’s gone. What are you going to do now?” I goaded.

He wrestled me onto the bed, looming over me, trapping my wrists in his huge hands. He stared down at me.
