Page 72 of Unwanted
“Mia is nothing but a liar. You can’t honestly expect me to ever trust her again,” Abel snapped, folding his arms across his chest. “If I do fall in love one day, it won’t be with a lying bitch like her.”
Abel heard a loud gasp. Both men turned to see a pale Mia standing at his office door. Tears ran down her cheeks and Abel wanted to hug her and swear he didn’t mean it. He almost let his tears fall in regret, but he sat there in shock.
“I left my jacket,” she whispered, keeping her eyes on the floor. She grabbed it off the chair and ran out of the room as if wolves were chasing her.
“Shit,” Abel muttered. Lincoln was right. He had to stop letting the past ruin his future. He had destroyed something wonderful because of Lydia. Lydia was off living her life happily, yet Abel was still stuck in the past of his shattered dreams.
Chapter Ten
“You sure about this, Mia?” Gwen asked for the tenth time. They were at the airport waiting for Gwen’s flight home to be called. Gwen searched Mia’s face. Mia held in a yawn not wanting to worry her friend. She had kept what she overheard to herself. Gwen would have marched in there and called Abel many ugly names. Mia didn’t want any more trouble.
Mia nodded and smiled, trying to look convincing. “Yes. I promised Becky I would help her train two new employees then I will head home. I miss the city. I can’t wait to be back in New York with you.”
Gwen hugged Mia tightly before letting her go. “Okay, but I will come back here and drag you home if you try to back out. I like Brook Hollow, too, but it is too far away.”
Mia had no reason to stay in Brook Hollow now. After Abel’s ugly words she knew there was no hope for them. Being far away from him was her only choice of ever forgetting him. Mitch had reported Frank was still following his same routine of partying every night. Mitch said Frank looked thin and sick so his drug use must be out of control. Surely his family would intervene and put him in rehab. Frank’s parents loved their son and his uncle, too, they wouldn’t let the drugs kill him. Mia no longer felt any love for Frank, but she didn’t wish him death either. Hopefully he got healthy once again and moved forward with his life. She was going to do her best to move forward and forget Abel and Brook Hollow.
Mia waited for Gwen’s plane to take off then headed back to Brook Hollow. It had been good having Gwen around for a visit. She would miss her, but maybe now Mia could catch up on some sleep. She felt so exhausted these days but she knew it was a combination of stress, working and entertaining Gwen. They had gone to Kramer’s and danced the night away just last night.
Mia drove back to town and straight to her house. She was off today and planned on staying in bed for the rest of the day. Tomorrow she would feel rested and ready to move forward. No more men. If she got lonely, she’d get a couple of cats.
* * * *
Abel sat at his desk, trying to concentrate on the massive amount of paperwork but it was no use. All he could think about was Mia and her devastation when she heard his horrible words. He had called the coffee shop later that night, but Becky told him Mia was too busy to talk. She had hung up on him and he felt her hatred through the phone line. Shit, Becky would fill his mother’s ears, too, and she’d be on his case, too. He had been too much of a coward to try calling again. Lincoln and Jessy were mad at him. Lincoln threatened to cut him out of the wedding party and his best man duties. Like he didn’t already feel like a pile of dog shit. They championed Mia and not him. How was that for family? He snorted.
Abel was reading through a report from two days ago. One of his officers had responded to Becky’s Brew. Abel went on alert. If they had been robbed he would have been told. What the hell happened? He went on to read that Mia Wilson had fainted and had been rushed to the local hospital. How had he not known? Did Lincoln and Jessy know?
He was worried and angry that this information had been kept from him. He called his brother’s cellphone number.
“It’s late, Abel. Go home and sleep,” Lincoln muttered sleepily. Shit. Abel glanced at the clock on the wall. It was past midnight.
“Sorry,” Abel muttered. He had brought Roscoe with him to his office. Roscoe was sleeping soundly on a rug by his desk. “Why didn’t you tell me Mia fainted?”
“You hate her,” Lincoln explained cautiously. Abel grew suspicious. Was she seriously ill? His heart dropped to his feet. Did she get cleared by a doctor? He’d take her for a second opinion if it was serious. He felt panicky. “You would just say she was faking it,” Lincoln added to his already guilty heart.
Abel ignored his brother’s harsh words. His brother knew him well enough to know Abel sprouted nonsense when he was scared. “Is she okay? Is she still in the hospital? What did the doctor say?”
Lincoln chuckled. “Whoa slow down. She is fine. She is overworked and needs some TLC.”
Abel allowed himself to breathe again. He was tempted to wake her up and check on her for himself, but he would probably not have the willpower to leave her.
“Why isn’t Becky making sure she doesn’t work herself to death?” Now he felt angry. Becky claimed to care for Mia just like a real niece. Becky had told Lincoln to tell him he better not darken her doorstep at the coffee shop, or she’d sic his mom on him. Everyone blamed him, not caring that Mia had lied.
“I don’t know, Abel. It’s not police business. Now can I go back to sleep?” Lincoln didn’t wait for an answer and hung up on him. Abel shook his head and set the phone down on its hook. He looked at Roscoe. “It’s a sad day when your own brother disrespects you.”
Roscoe blinked then rolled over as if he didn’t care either. Abel sighed and stared out into the darkness. He got his wish of being left alone, so why wasn’t he feeling joyous?
Chapter Eleven
Mia sat with Jessy at a booth drinking hot chocolate at Becky’s Brew. December’s frigid temperatures were rolling in with gusto. Jessy had helped Mia put up white lights all over the windows. The white glow brought some comfort to Mia. She loved Christmas. She had spent most of her holidays at Gwen’s. Hopefully she’d be back in New York by the holidays.
“Thanks for helping me, Jessy. You must be swamped. Your wedding is two weeks away.” Mia kept her fingers around the warm cup. “Are you nervous or excited?”
“You’re helping me out by letting me hide here. I am nervous as hell, but not because I doubt my love for Lincoln.” Jessy chuckled. “I should be at Delores’s house discussing last minute details. Delores’s sister Angie had her own ideas about the menu. When they started arguing, I ran out of there as if the house was on fire. I don’t care what we eat.”
Mia shook her head with amusement. She felt sympathy for Jessy but envious at the same time. Lincoln’s family adored Jessy and Lily. Frank’s mother had been snooty and although she was cordial to Mia, she had never been friendly. She knew Mia had no blood relatives and she did not approve of her only son bringing her around.
“Lincoln took an extra shift at work, that rat,” Jessy told Mia with a frown. “If you ever get married, elope girlfriend.”