Page 71 of Unwanted

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“Em was throwing a major fit…” His voice dies out.

He snuck away from them. Good intentions, flawed methods.

“What do you think your mom or Finn might feel when they realize you’re not with them?”

He hesitates but takes responsibility, whispering, “Scared.”

“Yeah, I bet they’re real scared right now. Worried about where you are.”

His tears break, and I pull him against my chest, hugging him to me with one hand as I fumble to get my phone from my pocket, dialing Cammie.

Her frantic breathing sounds. “Ben?—”

“I’ve got him. He’s safe. We’ll be home in five,” I say, keeping my voice low and calm.

“Thank you,” Cammie says, her voice cracking. I hate the sound and wish I could make sure it never holds that much anguish again.

“It’s all right, sweetheart. We’re coming back.” I hang up and rub Ben’s back while I hug him. “It’s time to make it right, bud. I’ll help you face it.”

He wipes his nose, pulling back on a shaking breath. “All right, alpha. Let’s go home.”

I’ve been an alpha since I was eleven and came into my designation. But the way he says the title hits me funny. I may have been an alpha, but today made me a Prime. The weight and honor of it hits my chest, makes the responsibility more real.

The walk home is heavy-hearted. Our pack is huddled at the house on the porch steps, waiting for us. When we round the corner and Cammie sees us, she breaks into a run. She pulls Ben to her, checking him over.

“Don’t you dare do that again, Benjamin Thomas! You know how scary it was when Em ran!” she pleads, hugging him. Her eyes find mine, and I see her swallowing back tears.

He cries. “I’m sorry, Mom. Finn too. I wasn’t thinking.”

“And me!” Emmaline calls, leaping from Finn’s arms into their hug.

“And you too, Em.” He pulls back from his mom and looks at all of us. “I’m sorry I scared everyone.”

“I need you to promise never to do it again,” Cammie says, voice full of so much heartache.

“I promise,” he whispers.

“All right, everyone. Let’s get inside.” My instincts haven’t stopped drumming with the need to get them safe. Even in my yard, it feels as though we’re too exposed.

Finn sighs. “I think we could all use a cuddle.”

We trudge inside, Waffles barking like mad, and head straight to the family nest.

“Everyone sleeps in here tonight,” I say. “It will help us feel better knowing everyone is safe.”

Finn gathers the blankets, getting them comfortable, while Cammie helps the kids get ready for bed. I sneak off to shower and bandage my cuts. When I return, I find Finn lying in the center of the nest with a sleeping Emmaline on his chest. Cammie is snuggled into his side, and Ben is laid out at the foot of the bed with Waffles.

This isn’t how I wanted tonight to end. I had visions of happy, over-sugared children up too late, then my omega and beta would come repeatedly until we all passed out in pleasure. I sigh and slip into the nest to join them. My mates move around, letting me settle in the middle, both taking a side. Having all of us here and close finally allows my alpha to relax.

My purr sounds, melding with Finn’s. The nest reeks of residual anger, sadness, and fear. The longer we lie together, the more the sour notes diffuse, and my instincts settle.

Ben crawls up beside his mom, and he lets her hold him. We take turns whispering reassurance. She tells him he’s loved. Finn reminds him this is his home and he’s safe. I tell him he’s a good son and it’s okay to make mistakes. Ben’s new round of tears accompany our purrs until his breathing evens out and his snores fill the nest.

“Alpha,” Cammie says, the title full of remorse. She runs her delicate finger along the bandaged cut at the side of my eye. “I’m sorry about the way my past is causing trouble. You’ve only been good to me, and it feels like I keep piling shit at your door.”

“Don’t you dare apologize for something that asshole did, sweetheart. I’m only sorry he ruined the end of the night.” I squeeze her hip.

“If he or anyone else tries something again, it won’t be our rational alpha stepping in,” Finn says adamantly. He sits up, shifting Emmaline’s sleeping weight until he can look Cammie in the eye. “We don’t care where you’re from or what happened in the past. And it had nothing to do with how that asshole treated you tonight. You’re ours and you have nothing to be sorry about.”
