Page 63 of Unwanted

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I look between the two of them, both so eager to listen and make sure they’re taking care of me, and the words pop out. “I’ve never taken a real knot. Trent almost forced it once early on, and it hurt so much that I begged him to stop. After that, he wouldn’t try, even though I had started training. I like the idea of taking one. It makes me hot.”

“I’m proud of you for trusting us with that story, sweetheart.” Reid’s deep voice runs up my spine, and I relax in relief. I told them, and it wasn’t bad.

“Me too,” I whisper.

“Even if we play, if it’s ever too much, I won’t be mad or disappointed if you can’t take my knot. And it won’t mean we can’t try again or that you ever have to try. Taking my knot is not something you have to prove to me, okay?”

“Okay,” I say, tension easing in my chest. “But I do want to try.” I want to take a knot, have always been excited by it, and I trust Reid and Finn.

Finn purrs for me. “I like the idea of you taking our alpha’s big cock, of us making you come over and over until you’re stretched out on his knot, riding him until you’re so full all you can do is moan.”

“Shit, yes,” I say, my brain scrambled by the picture he paints.

“That’s my good girl. So eager to please, such a sweet beta mate. I’ll train this pussy to belong to me,” Reid says, lifting me and tossing me onto his shoulder.

These men and their naughty words. And the best part is that they mean them.

Reid sets me on the stripped mattress, crawling up and taking off the rest of my clothes before he drapes his big body over mine. “Let’s practice, sweetheart.” Reid pushes my knees apart, his big fingers tracing over my sensitive lips. “Look at how pink and wet you are already. This pussy is aching to be filled.”

My hips flex.

“You’re gonna come for us again. Let us get you nice and wet,” Finn says.

Finn crawls up beside Reid, and the two of them each take a side, teasing my pussy until I’m panting. Reid sucks my clit, growling into my skin, and fucking me on his tongue until I come again. His beard makes me so sensitive I don’t know that I can take anymore, but I want to.

Reid pulls back, his mouth shining with arousal. The evidence of it makes my core tingle. He grabs the training dildo and rubs it through my wetness, teasing my entrance and gently pushing the fat head inside. It’s on the small side of alpha but still a stretch. He pushes it in and retreats, both my mates enthralled as they watch the dildo. He gets a rhythm going, fucking me in long strokes. Finn works my clit, pushing me higher toward another release. I clutch the mattress, loving how full I feel and how desperate these men are to please me.

“Present for me, sweetheart. I want to see how you work your pussy on the knot, watch you open for it.” Finn flips me around.

I go to my knees, head down and back arched. I’ve been in this position before. It’s the pose of an omega, and I always felt like an imitation of one. With the weight of Finn and Reid’s gazes, hands roaming and mouths full of praise, I don’t feel that deep ache of not measuring up.

“That’s our pretty beta,” Finn coos. “So sexy for her mates.”

Right here, in this moment, I can’t feel anything other than wanted, adored even, for being exactly as I am. It makes my soul fly and my core ache.

Someone takes a fast swipe at my clit with their tongue, and I hiss. They keep me on display like that, ass up and slick pussy exposed, for so long that I squirm.

“Fucking gorgeous, baby,” Finn purrs. “Now show me how you take a knot.”

They place the training dildo on the bed, and I lower my hips, darting my hand between my legs to hold the toy steady. Teasing the toy shaft through my lips, I get it slick before finally sinking down. I don’t take it easy like they did—I want the stretch. I don’t like pain but ache, ache is good. Bouncing my hips, I take the alpha toy over and over, fast and deep. Hands rub along my ass, squeeze my cheeks, and fingers pull at my entrance, stretching me wider.

“My cock is so hard. It’s taking everything I have not to toss that dildo out of way and fuck you until you come for me,” Finn says.

I look at him over my shoulder. “What’s stopping you?” My insides are lava, my core so ready to ignite.

“I want to watch first so I can steal your moves,” he confesses, his voice so husky it’s almost unrecognizable.

Reid’s hand palms my ass. “Be a good girl and come on this knot. Show us what you like.”

I want to be his good girl, want to be able to take him. I push down against the base of the dildo, feeling myself stretch over the first rounded part of the knot.

“That’s it, baby. So hot,” Finn purrs.

I moan into the stretch, working myself off then taking a little more. Over and over, I tease myself on the knot. I take almost all of it then back away until the knotted toy is slick.

Reid pulls my ass cheeks apart, his huge hands gripping my flesh. “Stop being such a tease and show me,” he growls.

The sound lights me up. I grind down on the knot, sitting up. My heels dig into my ass, and I slowly lift and sink all the way down. I roll my hips, moaning at the fullness and the stretch until the training knot wedges inside.
