Page 62 of Unwanted

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“And you love it. Now tell me, baby. Did you get off like this?” Finn drops to his knees, setting the vibrator on his lap so it buzzes against his hard cock as he takes down my shorts and tosses them behind him. I watch, mesmerized by the outline in his pants and the way his cock twitches against the vibe. He bites my thigh playfully, looking up at me with lustful eyes. “Do you tease between your legs, rub the vibe against your clit until you come?”

“Yes,” I admit.

“Show me, babe,” Reid says, husky and deep. He inches my T-shirt over my head and goes back to teasing my nipples through my cotton bra.

Finn grins devilishly, yanks my panties halfway down my legs, and returns the vibe to my clit. He slides it through my wetness, getting it slick, and then turns it on the highest setting. The sensation is relentless. My body pushes toward the peak, my core tingling, then it’s gone.

I whine, desperate to come. “I didn’t tease myself this long.”

I’m usually a straight-to-the-prize girlie. But even though I’m frustrated, my body is on fire, and my heart feels mushy at how they’re taking their time with me, even during this stolen moment.

“Too bad for you then, because we’re in charge right now,” Reid murmurs in my ear.

He unclasps my bra and uses the straps to bind my arms. The move causes my tits to thrust out. Reid circles my nipples, and Finn matches his movement with the vibrator, the two of them creating a slow torture.

“If you don’t like to wait, does that mean you rubbed the vibe hard? That you like to take it fast until you come? Is that what you like, Cammie?” Finn asks, his finger tracing my entrance.

I lick my lips, hesitant to say. I’ve never told anyone what I like.

“It’s all right, sweetheart,” Reid says softly. His hand splays against my chest, holding me to him.

Finn looks at me from between my legs, his face open and curious. “We won’t yuck your yum. Tell us what you like.”

I swallow and go for it. “I like to make myself come over and over. But the first is always fast.” Finn pushes the vibe against my clit, rubbing me until I’m rocking my hips. “Because I like to get wet and ride the?—”

Reid turns my head, stealing my lips. It’s a kiss full of teeth and tongue. I try to use my hands to rub along the outline of his cock, but my grip is shit from the way I’m bound. Reid only takes the kiss deeper, pressing his big body against me. Finn adds two slick fingers, teasing my entrance.

I get lost in the sensations, the feeling of them everywhere. My body goes off, a shot of lightning through my system. I pant, riding the high of my orgasm. Finn replaces the vibe with his tongue, sucking up my release and flicking my clit.It’s sensation overload, and I buck against Reid.

He pulls back from the kiss, his hand skirting down to press against my stomach. “You used to see how wet you could get. Was that your game?”

“Yes,” I admit. My belly flares with embarrassment and heat, the two swirling together into a new kind of arousal.

I could never get very wet during sex before. It was a source of shame for me and irritation with Trent. So when I touched myself, I liked to get myself as wet as I could, to prove that I could.

“That’s so sexy,” he growls. “Is that because you like the idea of being a good girl?”

I nod. I wanted to prove I could be a good lover, even if only to myself.

“I bet you want to show off this sweet little pussy?” Reid cups me possessively, his mouth on my neck. “Is that it?”

“Yes,” I moan.

Finn rises, turning to dig in the box. I know what he’s about to show Reid, and my pussy clenches on nothing, remembering the feel of the training knot. The click of the lube top sounds. Finn turns, running the flesh-colored dildo through his curled palms, then rubbing his thumbs up the shaft.

“I think she likes to make herself wet enough that she can take this knot,” he says, words thick with arousal.

Finn ensnares me with those green eyes as I watch him work the alpha dildo. And holy shit, does he know how to work it. The sight of his confident hand traveling the toy is erotic as hell and makes my pussy feel so fucking empty.

His tattooed fingers slip over the fat head then down over the shaft to stroke the bulb of the knot. “Is that it, baby? You want to train to take a knot?”

I nod, but the word doesn’t come.

“Time out.” Reid turns my head, his hazel eyes studying mine. “What you said the other day when we discussed things we should know, how do they apply here?”

My throat goes tight. I don’t want to say anything now that will ruin the moment. I’m too excited.

“It’s a pause. A heads-up so we won’t hurt your body or your heart,” Finn says.He leans in and kisses the side of my mouth.
