Page 51 of Unwanted

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“Make her come, babe. The two of you together is so hot I’m already close,” Reid growls, voice gravelly and low.

Finn’s hand goes to my pussy, and he holds me open, making the water pound directly on my clit. I freeze, eyes locked on Reid as my orgasm rolls through me.

“That’s it, baby, come for us. Let our alpha see you let go,” Finn purrs in my ear. He drops the nozzle and replaces it with his fingers, fucking me through another peak until I collapse against him. He turns my head and slants his lips over mine, kissing me deeply, the same way he just fingered me.

“Please,” I beg, breathless and panting. I want to taste him, find a way to get him to give up his control. I turn in his arms, sliding down his chest until I’m able to sink to my knees.

“Look at you, sweetheart, desperate to reward our omega for making you feel good. Show Finn how much you want him,” Reid commands.

I look up at Finn and drag my tongue along the length of his shaft, flicking his piercing.

“Fuck, baby, that’s a beautiful sight. So eager to suck me,” he purrs. Finn taps the crown of his dick against my lips and eases in the head.

He’s a tease, fucking me with his eyes and the tip of his cock until I whine, desperate for him to give me more. His fingers thread through my hair, and he holds me steady, taking shallow thrusts into my mouth. Our omega is so sensual that even the debauched way he’s teasing my mouth doesn’t feel wrong. I open wider, trusting him to keep me safe.

“That’s our beautiful girl. Such a sexy beta. A perfect mate,” he coos.

Finn’s words light me up inside and make me want to please him, to never stop that fluttering in my chest when he looks at me as though he can’t believe he gets to have me.

He takes my mouth, fucking me deep in slow thrusts. His piercing rolls along my tongue each time he pulls out, making him shiver and moan. The sounds he makes in pleasure sing directly to my clit.

“Touch your pussy for me while you suck his cock. Let me see both my mates come,” Reid coaxes.

I feel his eyes on me while I slip my hand down between my legs and rub a teasing circle around my clit.

“Fuck,” Finn whines, and I know he’s close.

I suck him down, and he bucks, fucking into my mouth with abandon. That loss of control makes my heart flutter. I run a finger down his tight balls then down farther, curious if I can make him squirm.

Reid’s voice is closer when he growls, “You’re making our omega wild, sweet Cammie. Sucking on his cock and flirting with his hole. You want to learn to please him, don’t you?”

I nod but don’t look away from Finn panting above me, fingers digging into my scalp. He’s slick, the feel like silky lube, making his skin soft. I circle his hole, and he mewls, his cock pulsing in my mouth. Encouraged, I tease his rim, pushing against him until one finger dips inside.

“Yes!” Finn surges forward, his cock slipping down my throat.

It’s so many sensations all at once that my body is overloaded. I add another finger, fucking Finn while he takes my mouth, and I rub furiously at my clit.

“Shit, right there,” Finn curses, his voice wrecked with need.

I know I’ve found that magic spot when Finn stills, spilling his cum into my throat. His orgasm sparks my own, and I tease myself through it, so slick it should be embarrassing.

“Gods, you two are so sexy,” Reid says, voice raw with his arousal. “I came just by watching.”

“Damn,” Finn says, collapsing against the shower wall.

I pop off his cock, easing my fingers from him. I’m dizzy with pleasure, wrung out again. Finn sighs, a sound of deep satisfaction, then offers me his hand. I let him pull me up and into a hug.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he says in my ear, his arms caressing my back. “Let’s get cleaned so we can start the morning.”

I nod, too blissed out for words. Finn takes off the soggy T-shirt and washes me with gentle movements. It’s such a sweet way to come down from the wild, raw moment we had that it makes me feel floaty.

He kisses my lips quickly and sends me to Reid, who’s waiting at the shower door with a towel and open arms.

“You looked gorgeous in my shirt, sweetheart,” he says possessively. He dries me, smattering kisses along my skin as he works.

Finn joins us, and together, we get dressed for the day and start our morning with the kids. It’s a Jenga puzzle of moving pieces as we wake them up and help get them ready for school. It makes the morning feel intimate and real.

This isn’t hot sex.
