Page 44 of Unwanted

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Gods, the way this alpha is manhandling me makes me wet.

“Look at you getting our alpha so worked up,” Finn purrs. “We can smell how wet we’re making you. You smell like raspberries and sugar. It’s driving us both wild.”

Finn flicks the tip of his tongue along the line of my neck at the same time Reid licks a swipe along my pussy. The dual sensations send me flying, my heart beating harder. Finn pinches my nipple, the hard ridge of his cock pressing against my back, and I can’t help but moan.

“This pussy is mine. You’re mine,” Reid growls into my skin.

The word mine does something to my heart. It makes everywhere inside me light up with the feel of his claim. He takes a nip at my thigh before flicking his tongue at my entrance then up to circle my clit.

“I want to be yours,” I admit in a sultry voice I barely recognize.

Reid’s answering grumble vibrates against my pussy. He looks up at me from between my legs, those hazel eyes boring into me. He sucks me deep, cheeks hollowing and his beard scraping against my over-sensitive flesh. It’s so good that I buck against him, letting out a moan. His mouth almost tugs up into a smile, and the desire in his hazel eyes is so intense that I try to grab his head and move away from the intimacy of the moment.

The strength of his words, the feel of his mouth on me, and the sight of his big body between my legs, it’s all so freaking good that I feel as if I’m going to shatter. Finn catches my hand, pulling it behind me in a tight grip as his alpha fucks me on his tongue. I squirm against the restraint. It’s sensation overload, my breath panting. I’m so close, my body coiled tight. The alpha’s big hand covers my stomach, his palm pressed flat against my skin as he nibbles on my clit and sucks it into his mouth.

“You are ours,” Finn promises. He kisses along my neck, his hands holding me secure while Reid takes me apart with his tongue. “Let go. Give in to it and let us take care of you.”

Reid presses firmer against my stomach, pulling at the skin of my mound, and my hips tilt. Every muscle in my body winds impossibly tighter. My toes flex, then I crest in a rush so big I’m swept away in a tide of liquid honey.

“That’s our sweet beta mate, coming for our alpha. So pretty when you let go for us. Such a good mate,” Finn coos praise in my ear.

His words make my body tingle and my heart flutter. I want to be a good mate to them.

Finn’s hands let go of my bound wrist, and he soothes my trembling legs.“Tell me how she tastes, alpha,” he says, his voice an octave lower than before.

Finn’s blunt nails scratch over my belly and down my thighs, red marks blooming and fading as fast. The sensation causes my already sensitive skin to warm, leaving little tingles everywhere he touches. It merges with the languid feel of my orgasm until I’m drunk with arousal. Reid flicks his tongue against my clit one last time, replacing it with two thick fingers. The slight stretch is already so fucking good that I’m halfway to coming again.

“Taste how fucking sweet our girl is,” Reid growls. He stands, kissing Finn hungrily over my shoulder and fucking me slowly on his fingers.

Their kiss is hot, full of tongue, and their sounds make me squirm. I’ve never been with two men together before. I guess this night is a first for everyone. Threesomes are something I never thought much about. When I did start to imagine them, they were Finn and Reid inspired, fantasies I spun but never dreamed would be real. The idea of Reid working Finn over until he was breathless and panting was hot in my head. Seeing them in person is better.

Reid pulls back from Finn’s mouth and kisses me. His beard scrapes against my skin, and the kiss is filled with such passion that it’s like drowning. I can’t get enough of his taste mixed with mine. We kiss until I’m breathless. I break away from his lips with a gasp, watching as he slips his fingers from between my legs and holds them up for Finn, who sucks them greedily.

It's the dirtiest, hottest thing. The idea that I’m so wet that Finn can get my taste from Reid’s fingers makes my clit throb.

“Fuck,” Finn moans. “You taste so good. I can’t wait until you’re completely covered in our scents.”

Finn kisses my neck and backs away, tossing his shirt over his head. The move is sexy as fuck, making his arm muscles flex as he reveals those rock-solid abs and all that color. The jeans he’s wearing are next, then those tiny black boxers he always has on. They reveal his perfect ass, the curves round and taut with muscle.

Finn climbs up on the bed, prowling toward the stack of blankets. The first from the pile is a soft, deep blue one that looks as if it’s made of velvet. He spreads it over the sheets, smoothing the edges until he’s satisfied. Everything about the way he moves is sensual as he piles the blankets into a new nest.

I knew nesting was something important, something sacred. I didn’t think it would speak to my soul or make me so turned on. Each time he moves, his skin shines with arousal between his legs, and my stomach tightens with a new awareness. It causes the air to pulse and time to slow.

Reid wraps his arms around me and murmurs in my ear, “He’s slick for us, so excited he’s practically vibrating with it in the bond. I’ll have to teach you how to please our omega. But that’s for another time. This nest is for you, sweetheart. When he kneels, we ask to join him, okay?”

“It’s so pretty, almost comforting. I don’t know how to explain it,” I say, fumbling over what I mean. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen, like love, sensuality, and devotion all wrapped into one.

“I know exactly what you mean.” Reid kisses the top of my head.

The two of us watch as Finn fiddles with the nest until the blankets are a cloud of softness. He crawls to the center, sits back on his heels, and places his hands on his thighs. He looks like an offering, his beautiful body on display.

“Can we come into your nest?” I ask softly, a little unsure if I’m doing it right.

Reid squeezes me tighter around the center. “Good girl,” he whispers.

My insides light up at his praise.

“Yes, mates.” Finn eyes the two of us with a sensual smile, his green eyes softly glinting in the gauzy light. He’s breathtaking.
