Page 43 of Unwanted

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“Yes, I would love that.” I know omega’s nests are sacred to them, but I don’t understand what it means for him to build me one. I can only guess that it’s important. I’m fascinated by the tenderness in this man who is so unafraid to show how much he cares and is so very comfortable in his skin.

“This will be our first time with anyone else,” Reid says, his deep voice a little hesitant. He brushes a strand of my hair back behind my ear, crowding into my side next to Finn.

Finn’s gaze is soft, his face so open that I can feel his reverence like a touch. “We never wanted to bring anyone into our bed who wasn’t ours.”

“Does that mean I’m the first woman you’ve ever been with?” I ask stupidly, eyes wide.

“Yes.” Reid leans in, a firm grip on my waist. “So we plan to take our time. We want to learn what you like, but if something is a no-go, we promise to back off. Is there anything we should know? We want to keep you safe.”

I blink, surprised by his frankness. My chest fills with a combination of too many emotions. They want to know my boundaries, and that protectiveness rocks me to my core. It shouldn’t probably—it’s only decency—but after living so long without it, it sounds foreign.

“I’m on the shot for birth control.” I swallow. “And I’ve never been able to take a knot.”

“The first we can discuss later,” Reid says. “But is the second something you want to do?”

The words fall out of my mouth before I know to keep them back. “It was something I failed to do. Betas?—”

Reid’s grip on my waist tightens, his fingers digging into flesh. “Whether you take my knot is your choice, but not taking one is never a failure. And none of this has to do with your designation. Do you understand?” His voice bottoms out, his words more dominant than I’ve ever heard.

“Yes, alpha.” At this moment, he sounds likemyalpha.

“Good girl.” He leans in and trails his teeth up my neck, the tip of his tongue darting out.

That phrase on Reid’s lips undoes a knot wound tight inside me.

In my ear, he murmurs, “When we’re in the bedroom, Finn likes to play, but we’re both more into pleasure than anything hardcore. We like to spank and tease, but if we get to your no, that’s all you have to say. Are you with me?”

“Yes,” I moan as his hand darts around to cup my ass.

Reid pulls me to him, kissing me slowly. The gentle glide of his lips and the scratch of his beard work together to create a trance that coaxes my mouth open. His scent blends with Finn’s into a deep sense of home, and my body relaxes into the languid heat of his kiss.

Finn gets impatient, and his lips join ours. It’s a messy three-way kiss, a passing of lips and breath that spins me around between them until I’m dizzy with wanting.

Finn rakes his hands up my side with a ghost touch. “I’ve been wanting to get my hands on you, beautiful. I can’t stand being so near you without getting a taste.”

The sound of his voice travels straight to my clit. I squeeze my thighs together to try to dull the ache between my legs. I’ve never felt sexier, even wearing yoga pants and coming off the flu. It’s heady, knowing how much they want me.

Finn’s fingers dance along my skin as he drags off my tank top. Everywhere he touches lights up, making goose bumps rise and my breath unsteady. He shifts, situating himself behind me and unclasping my bra. His lips leave a trail across my shoulder as he teases the straps down and tosses my bra aside.

“You’re so beautiful, Cammie,” Finn says my name like an endearment. It makes my belly swoop.

It’s hard to remember my body is made for pleasure too, when for so long, I’ve closed off that part of myself. Old fears about not being enough to please my partner in the bedroom try to rise above everything else, but Reid’s deep voice pulls me from my head before they can.

“Let us show you how much we want you,” Reid says.

His words ease those fears, reminding me that Finn and Reid have only ever wanted me as I am. I let someone tell me I wasn’t enough for so long that I believed it, but I don’t feel like that here with them.

Reid’s large, calloused hands tease along the band of my yoga pants.

“Yes,” I say eagerly, pushing into his touch.

Finn palms my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers nice and slow until it’s tender and sensitive. “You’re perfect. So fucking sexy.” Finn’s breath feathers against my ear, sending another pulse straight to my clit. “All you need to do is to relax while we make you feel good, baby.”

“Let’s get these off. I need to see you,” Reid growls.

He kneels, dragging my pants and panties slowly over my hips, down my thighs, and off my feet. Finn holds me steady, his solid body heat at my back, grounding me between the two of them.

Reid hitches one of my legs over his shoulder, eyeing me hungrily. He tugs me closer, his big fingers pressing into the fleshy part of my hip, and his eyes flash with the power of an alpha in charge. “I love the way you smell so fucking sweet. I bet you taste just as good.”
