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“I don’t want to overstep.”

“Overstep?” I ask, confused. What could she possibly want to say that would seem like overstepping? “Amara, you know you can talk to me about anything. What is it?”

“It’s just—it’s just I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy. And it’s just nice to see you actually putting yourself first for once.”

I’m taken aback a little by her words. I mean, I know I don’t always prioritize my wants, but I wouldn’t say I never do.

Amara continues, “You know I love Tori and Jonathan, they’re some of my best friends, but they both have such strong personalities that sometimes I think you get lost. You love them so much, and you want them to be happy so you just give in and follow their lead.”

I’m stunned by her words, not because I’m upset, but because I know deep down she’s right. I do bend over backwards to make them happy. I will always give up my idea for plans if they have something else they want to do. Even if I hate it. I go running on Saturday mornings, for goodness sake! Poorly, and I slow them down considerably, but I still go. Is that really why I’m scared to tell Jonathan about me and Mark? Am I worried he’ll talk me out of it? Tell me that this isn’t a good idea, even if this is the best and healthiest relationship I have ever been in?

“I shouldn’t have said anything.”

I grab Amara’s hand. “No, I’m glad you did. I just—”

“Who’s ready for pie?” Duncan sing-songs as he and Mark set the shakes on the table and sit down.

Amara raises her hand. “Me!”

We pass spoons and napkins around the table and start to dig into our food.

“What is that?” Duncan stares at Mark’s shake with skepticism.

“A blueberry pie shake.” Mark says while taking a big bite.

“Why is it purpley brown?” Amara wrinkles up her nose.

I snort a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Duncan asks.

Mark smirks and points his spoon at me. “Want to explain or do you want me to?”

I laugh. “I will.” I turn to Duncan and Amara. “One night when we were growing up, our parents left all of us kids alone, and we got bored so we started mixing up random concoctions and daring each other to eat them.”

Amara rolls her eyes. “Your family is so weird.”

Mark snorts. I elbow him. “Anyway. One of the concoctions was blueberry pie filling and chocolate ice cream.”

“Ben bet me I wouldn’t eat it,” Mark says, taking over the story.

“He not only finished it, but he’s been eating it ever since,” I add.

Mark shrugs. “It’s good!”

“Eww!” Amara laughs. “That’s so gross.”

I start laughing and take a bite of his shake with my spoon. “It’s really not that bad.”

Mark puts his arm around me and pulls me in kissing the side of my head.

“You two really were made for each other,” Amara gushes.

Chapter 27


The past month has held some of the best days of my entire life. I still can’t believe that this is real life. I’ve found a balance between work and a personal life. Millie and I spend almost every waking hour together, whether it be at work or at home. We’ve gone on another double date with Duncan and Amara, and they are growing on me. Honestly, Amara has grown on me much more than Duncan. I know I can’t fault the guy for not having my level of competition or work ethic, but it’s there in the back of my head when we hang out together as couples.

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