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“Are you okay?” I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear Trina’s voice. I hadn’t even heard her come back into the office.

“I’m fine,” I squeak out. Maybe if I don’t draw attention to it, she won’t notice.

“Clearly,” Trina laughs. “Are you going to turn the page any time soon or are you just going to memorize that particular passage?”

I glare and make a point to turn the page. I have no idea what’s going on anyway so what’s one more page?

“So, is this a good distracted or a bad distracted?”

“I’m not distracted.” I turn another page.

“Sure you’re not.” Trina gives my shoulder a little shove. “Now spill.” She swivels my chair so that we are face to face. “How are things with Mr. Hottie?”

“Amazing. Wonderful. Basically perfect.” I sink into my chair.

“But… ?”

“But nothing. Things are great. Mark is great.”

“So you’ve said, but Millie, for someone who’s dating her dream guy, you don’t seem like everything is so amazing and great.”

“It has nothing to do with Mark. Mark really is great and wonderful. He’s an even better boyfriend than I ever imagined existed. It’s just… I don’t know.”

Trina sits back in her chair with a thoughtful look on her face. “Have you told your families about the two of you yet?”

“Danny and Ashleigh know. And I’m pretty sure Mark’s little sister knows.”

“But not Jonathan?” And there goes the all too familiar pit in my stomach. “Look, I know I’ve only met Jonathan a couple of times, but he’s your best friend. He wants you to be happy.”

I nod. I know she’s right. I need to tell him. I know I need to tell him. I just don’t know how. He’s always been so standoffish when it comes to his brother. Jonathan has always kept our friendship as separate from our families as possible considering the circumstances, and here I am making the two collide.

Trina places a hand on my shoulder. “Just don’t avoid him. I know you don’t like difficult conversations, but avoiding him is just going to make it worse.”

I groan into my hands. I know Trina is right. I need to tell Jonathan. Not telling him about me and Mark isn’t fair to either of them. And as hard as it is for me to say, it’s not fair to me.

I sit up straight and start coming up with a plan. Because everything needs a well-thought plan. And every plan starts with a pro/con list.

“Hey, beautiful.” Mark’s deep baritone rings through the office, and I can’t help but smile. All my worries of earlier wash away.

“Hey. I wasn’t expecting to see you today. I thought you had a meeting with a client?”

Mark wraps me into his arms and kisses me on the top of my head. “It went really well. So well, in fact, that we finished earlier than planned. Did you already have lunch? I was thinking of getting out of the office for a bit.”

“She’s available!” Trina bounds into the room to stand next to me, sticking her hand out towards Mark. “I’m Trina. It’s sooo nice to finally meet you!”

Mark chuckles. “It’s nice to meet you, Trina. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

He gives her a little wink, and Trina giggles. I roll my eyes. This man is too charismatic for his own good, and he knows it.

“I’ll let you and Millie get going, but I just have to say you are even better looking in real life than you are in your picture.” My eyes go wide, and my face is instantly flushed.

“Trina,” I grit out through my teeth.

“What?” She shrugs.

“I feel like I’m missing something. What picture?” Mark looks back and forth between us.

“It’s nothing. What did you want for lunch?” I try to shove Mark out the door, but it’s pointless. The man is solid.

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