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“Actually, my boyfriend and I were just getting ready to leave. I’m so sorry about your keys. It must be hard not having a place to hold a house key.” Millie’s eyes darken as she gives Krystal an up and down glance. It’s kind of frightening. “You’re more than welcome to use this blanket so you don’t freeze while you wait for the super.” She leans in closer and whispers, “I hear ruptured implants can be pretty painful.”

I’m not sure who’s more shocked by Millie’s words, me or my red-faced neighbor. It takes all of my self-control not to laugh as Krystal turns and stalks off.

“I guess that’s a no on the blanket then?” Millie calls after her.

I turn to face Millie, gaping.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Millie smirks.

“I’ve just… I… I have no words.”

“That’s your neighbor?”

“I told you I didn’t want to answer it.”

“Does she do this kind of thing often?” Millie is trying to sound casual, but the jealousy in her voice is palpable.

“You were jealous.”

“I was not!” She defends.

“Yes, you were.” I use air quotes and repeat, “My boyfriend and I were just leaving.” I mock her voice, maybe adding a little more sass to the tone for dramatic effect.

She shoves me. “Shut up.”

Her lips twitch. I pull her into my arms and hold her tight against me kissing the top of her head. “So now that we have become official in the most unconventional way possible, what, pray tell, would you like to do for dinner, girlfriend?”

Millie half-heartedly pushes away from me. “Well, boyfriend, a burger, fries and then some Home Depot sounds like the perfect night to me.”

I groan. “You’re not letting go of this any time soon, are you?”

She removes herself from my grasp and grabs her purse and jacket then pulls me back to the door. “Nope.” She stops mid stride. “Oh, and grab your keys. I hear the super isn’t answering his phone tonight.”

I barely contain my laugh.

“Absolutely not,” I protest. We’re standing in the middle of Home Depot looking at paint colors. Rows and rows of colors to choose from, not that my place needs paint. The previous owners painted right before I bought the place. Sure, it’s that early 2000s taupe that everyone and their brother used, but it’s practically brand-new paint. Millie has completely lost her mind if she thinks I’m going to let her paint any of my walls black.

“Just an accent wall!” Millie argues.

“You’re not painting my walls black.” I put my hand up to stop her argument. “Not even if it’s just one wall.”

Millie pouts, and it’s adorable that she thinks that’s going to make me cave. I might give in on a lot of things, but this is one hill I’m willing to die on. She pouts her lips more and gives me the biggest sad eyes she can muster. I groan. I can’t take the doe eyes. I’m about to give up my resolve when a store employee comes up to us.

“Anything I can help you with?” Bright, according to the name written on his apron, asks.

I say, “We’re just looking,” at the same time that Millie says, “Yes!”

For the next twenty minutes, I stand back as Millie and Bright go back and forth about different color schemes. When Millie and I finally leave the store, we have a cart full of sample paint colors. I technically lost this round, but since none of the paint colors are black, I’m counting it as a win.

I also realize that I finally understand what Ben meant when he said once I found the right person, I’d be willing to do anything to make her happy. And I would. I would do anything to make Millie happy.

Even paint my walls black.

Chapter 26


I’ve been staring at the same page for the last twenty minutes. I should just give up for the day, but Sheila wants notes by the end of the day tomorrow and I’m only halfway through.

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