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“Good evening Mr. Watson.” Nat sounds way too eager, “Mr. Bancroft.”

“Ms. Reszke.” Mr. Watson says, then turns his attention towards me, “Happy birthday, Mark.” He shakes my hand.

“Thank you, Sir.” I nod to Mr. Bancroft, “Mr. Bancroft.”

“Yes, well anyway,” Mr Bancroft says as he waves his hand in the air, “This isn’t exactly my kind of gathering, but Watson and I wanted to tell you that we are very impressed with the work that you have been doing and that it has been noticed. Keep it up, son, and you’ll be on the fast track to partner in no time.”

I can feel the excitement radiating through Nat as she squeezes my waist pulling herself in closer to me.

“Thank you, Sir, it’s challenging work, but I’m always up for a challenge.”

“That’s what your father said when we first talked about your first interview.”

Wait, what? Bewildered, “My father, Sir?”

“Oh, Jack and I go way back.” I stare at Mr. Bancroft in disbelief, “I’m sure he’s told you all about our rivalry throughout our Yale days. He always kept me on my toes.” Mr. Bancroft continues with his story, but I don’t hear any of it. I’m still in utter shock and the feeling of betrayal is building. All I had wanted was to make my own way. I didn’t want any handouts. That’s why I didn’t want my dad’s help finding a job. That’s why I hadn’t asked him to write I letter. I had always assumed that he had, but I never imagined that he had gone behind my back and not only talked with his old school frenemy, but that they had gotten together and discussed my interview?

This is all too much to handle. The room starts spinning. I need to sit down.

Mr. Watson and Mr. Bancroft leave, and Natasha is gushing. “Oh, Marky! How wonderful! I told you you were at the top of the list for that promotion! Can you just imagine? The youngest junior partner in Watson and Bancroft history!”

I look at her blankly. “Uh huh.”

“What’s wrong? You look overwhelmed.” She leans up and kisses my cheek. “Of course you are overwhelmed, what am I even saying. Our bosses not only showed up to your birthday party, but they showered you with compliments. I would be enthralled with emotions too!” Natasha giggles. “Oh, Marky, can you just imagine? Oh, the life we are going to have!”

“I think I need to sit down.” I head to the nearest table.

“Are you sick? You don’t look to good.” Natasha says concerned.

I make it to the chair and look up into her big brown eyes, “Do you want to get out of here?”

“Get out of here? We can’t leave, Marky, it’s your birthday party!”

I look around the room again, “I honestly don’t think they will even notice. I hardly know anyone here.”

Nat’s face drops. “You don’t like it? I spent weeks putting this together and you don’t like it.”

I know I’ve messed up and need to make this better. I take her hands in mine, “No, I do like it.” She gives a glimmer of a smile, “I love it, really. We don’t have to leave. It was just a thought.”

“Oh good! I’m so glad you like it! I was so worried.” Nat continues to go on about the planning process and I try to act like I am interested, but truth is I’m not. I hate birthdays and I always have. They are never what you hope they will be and after years of disappointment you start to kind of hate them.

It’s still too crowded in here and I need to get away, but I need to find a way that won’t insult Nat. “Why don’t you make the rounds, you are the hostess after all, I think I see James over by the bar.” Natasha agrees and as I make my way towards the other side of the room I hear her squeal with glee, she is loving all the attention. She can have it. Once I make it to the bar I wave to my co-worker, he waves back. I continue my way to the back door that leads to the restaurant’s back patio. Natasha rented out the entire place tonight so it’s quiet. Just what I was hoping for.

I close my eyes and try to center myself. I count up and down to ten. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Hold. Another breath slowly in then slowly back out. I open my eyes and look out on the view. The city lights are beautiful, but I’m more taken with the stars. It still amazes me how many stars there are. It’s calming.

My phone dings with another birthday message in the birthday group chat Mom started earlier. I’d like to personally thank Rosie for this nonsense since she’s the one who taught her how to even create a group chat. It’s been nonstop messages all day from my family and the Jacobsons. I’ll read them later. I know everyone means well. I just don’t have it in me right now to respond.

When I finally make it home I am completely spent. My social battery has nothing left; I am all peopled out for the next month at least.

Todd walks into the kitchen, having clearly just got home himself. “How was your party?”

“How was work?” I ask dryly.

He grins, “That good huh?”

I groan, “It was the worst. I hardly knew anyone there.”

“What were you expecting? Natasha probably just invited the entire office and few choice clients.”

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