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“Maybe, but I can’t think of anything. We’ve hardly ever had a conversation. Then all of the sudden she started glaring at me all the time.”

“Maybe it has to do with the fact that you’ve gotten promoted multiple times and she’s still a secretary?”

I shrug, “I guess, but wasn’t she offered a job in a different department, and she declined? Said she liked being the executive secretary?”

“It’s probably the fact that she’s had a thing for Troy forever, and all he seems interested in is you,” Trina says nonchalantly.

I groan, “Enough about Troy! Anyone who wants him is more than welcome to him. I don’t want him!”

With the mention of Troy, I start making my way to the door. If I can get these contracts, then I can call Franklin. Fingers crossed I can get him to actually sign them.

“At least while you are there try and check out the new guy!” Trina yells as I open the door, “Rumor has it he’s one hot… ”

The door closes behind me before I hear the rest of that sentence. Not that I need to imagine too hard what she yelled. Trina is a lot of things, and I love her, but when she is between relationships, she is almost impossible to keep on track. She has a one-track mind until the next man.

Chapter 4


I’ve only been back in town for two weeks, and between starting a new job and getting settled into my new place, who has the time to be texting or calling anyone? Not that I’ve tried super hard. I’m fine on my own. A lone wolf, as they say. Not sure who “they” are, but that’s not the point.

I’ve talked with Ben a few times, but his wife isn’t exactly my favorite person (nor am I hers, if we’re being honest), and after finding out that they are expecting, I haven’t really made the effort to find the time to hang out. Which I know sounds terrible. He’s my best friend, and I’m not even making an effort to see or talk to him. I just don’t need to be reminded of the life I don’t have. Not that I want marriage and kids. I don’t. I decided a long time ago that marriage and family weren’t worth the risk of hurting those you claim to care about. Some might say I’m jaded; I say I’m a realist.

My mom has never been the same since my parents’ divorce. She basically went into hibernation while we lived with the Jacobsons. I don’t mean that she wasn’t a parent, more that she was always sad. She never talked about Dad leaving and would change the subject whenever anyone else ever did. I know she lost a lot in the divorce. We all did. Not only did we have to move out of our house, but a lot of my parents’ friends disappeared. I guess you really do learn who your true friends are when things get rough.

I shake the thoughts away. No need to relive the past. It doesn’t change anything. I wish I had some work to distract me, but since I’ve only been here a short time, I’m still in orientation mode. Which sucks. How am I supposed to bury myself in work when there isn’t any work to get buried under?

I smile as I see my little sister’s name pop up on my phone.

Rosie: How’s the new job going?

Mark: Fine. Still settling in.

Rosie: Is that receptionist still flirting with you?

Mark: Sure is.

Rosie: Is she cute?

Mark: She’s old enough to be my mother.

Rosie: Didn’t answer the question.

I know she’s joking, but I’m not opening my love life (or lack thereof) up for discussion with my little sister. Not now. Not ever.

Mark: Shouldn’t you be in class or something?

Rosie: Canceled. I have a free hour.

Mark: And you spent it annoying me, I’m touched.

Rosie: Don’t think too highly of yourself. I’m also texting Jonathan.

Mark: Ouch, and here I thought I was your favorite brother.

Rosie: Have you talked to Jonathan since you got back into town?

Mark: We texted last week.

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