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My heart is racing as I walk out to my car. Tonight was… tonight was unexpected. The blind date was even worse than I could have ever imagined, but the night ended better than I could have anticipated.

I wanted to see Millie. I wanted to spend time with her. I was happier than I should ever admit that she invited me over when I asked if I could see her. I won’t even pretend to be offended or saddened by the fact that all of her roommates bailed on whatever they had planned as soon as I got there. Pretty sure the blonde one—Kiersten?—winked as she left us alone. She was the wingman I didn’t know I needed.

The whole night was perfect. I couldn’t stop smiling as she laughed at my retelling of the now infamous Zoey. I even used different voices and acted out the comedy of errors that was the entire evening. I’ve never done that. Ever. My brother is the dramatic one, not me.

The reminder of Jonathan makes the pit in my stomach grow a little bigger, but I push it aside as I do with everything involving emotions. I don’t want anything to taint tonight. I don’t want to ruin anything before it even starts, because something is starting. I can feel it.

Instead, I drive home on cloud nine.

There is no way I’ll be able to go to sleep. I’m too hopped up on adrenaline. I have a surge of hope that I haven’t felt since finding out I couldn’t play baseball anymore. I feel such a strong pull towards Millie. A spark went straight to my heart when she put her hand on my chest to shove me. I think my heart about exploded. What a way to go.

When I get to my condo, I put my keys on the hook and head up the stairs to my room. Just looking at the empty space makes me get all twitchy. I’m not much of a sentimental person, but even I can see that the condo lacks personality. I still have boxes in every corner filled with who knows what. No time like the present, I guess.

I change out of my jeans and t-shirt into a pair of athletic shorts and an old hoodie from college. I look around the bare space. I have no idea where to put this stuff. I’m not even sure what all this “stuff” is. Dad had hired someone to decorate my place in Charleston. Then Natasha had “fixed” it. When I moved out, Todd kept what he wanted, and the rest was packed up. Since I hired movers, I haven’t a clue what is in these boxes.

I guess I could ask my mom for help. She’s been asking if I need anything. I bark out a laugh when I think about how Nancy would tell me I should ask Millie to help. Then the more I think about it, I realize it wouldn’t be such a terrible idea. She used to help Danny and Matt back when they were flipping houses when we were younger. Even if she hasn’t done it in a while, she has a great sense of style and color combinations. She pairs pieces of clothing I never would even think of putting together, but somehow on Millie, it always works. It would also let me spend more time with her away from work. Time alone. It even follows the advice Nancy gave me about showing Millie that I value her opinion. The more I think about it, the more I think it’s a stroke of genius.

I’ll text her about it tomorrow—I look down at my watch—or rather later today. Wow, it really is late. I should really head to bed, but I can’t seem to make myself head that way.

On impulse I pull out my phone and text Millie.

Mark: You awake?

I hit send and groan, instantly regretting it. What am I doing sending a text at this time of night? Who sends a “You up?” message at this hour? Nothing good can come from this. Maybe I’ll luck out, and she will have her phone on Do Not Disturb so I didn’t wake her up.

My phone vibrates in my hand.

Millie: Yes.

Mark: Did I wake you up?

I hold my breath.

Millie: No. Couldn’t sleep.

I have to tread lightly with this next question.

Mark: Not tired or something on your mind?

My heart races as I watch the little bubbles at the bottom.

Millie: Both.

Mark: Anything I can help with?

Millie: You’re probably not the best person to help.

My heart sinks.

Millie: You don’t typically talk to the person who is causing all the over-thinking to help you figure it out.

A jolt like I’ve never felt zings throughout my body.

Mark: Or maybe that makes them the best person to talk to about it. Go to breakfast with me?

Dot bubbles. Then they’re gone.

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