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Haley’s legs grip me tighter against her rolling hips and her mouth falls open on a gasp as I angle my cock to penetrate her cunt deeper. “Fuck, Draggar, that feels so good. You feel so good.”

Her words inflame me further and I can feel the tingling in my chest increase as the bond between us is strengthened further. The sensation soon turns into a blaze of feeling, and it spreads outward from my heart through my veins and nerve endings until my entire body is awash with it.

My second heart, the one that belongs to my amoris, pounds in my ears in a relentless beat. The joy and pleasure I feel reaches out and joins with Haley until the connection between us is so strong and enmeshed that it is almost a visible tie stretching between us and joining us together. Her eyes widen and lock with mine.

Her pleasure is mine, and mine is hers.

I can feel the tremors that rack her spine as I relentlessly drive my cock into her. Seeing and feeling my mate enjoy her pleasure drives my own arousal even higher and the sound of my name on her tongue is indescribable.

The intense connection between us is almost too much, and at the same time, it is not enough. It will never be enough, and I know with certainty that I will hunger for it and most importantly for her for all my days.

Haley’s fingers clasp onto my shoulders as she lets out a muffled shriek that rings in my ears as I feel the swell of pleasure crash over her. The walls of her cunt clench around my cock as if she’s trying to hold me inside her forever.

I grunt and bite down on my lip as my balls draw up tight and I cannot hold myself back any longer.

“My amoris. Haley!” I gasp out as I surge into her.

My cock swells, and with a groan that feels like it has been wrenched from deep within my spirit, I erupt in throbbing pulses and my seed fills her cunt.

As the aftershocks of pleasure tingle through my muscles, I luxuriate in the blissful peace that echoes from my mate’s spirit. I bury my face against the smooth skin of Haley’s neck, so unlike my own, and I pant, trying hard to slow down my racing heartbeats.

Each time we join together, the bond between us grows stronger, and if there were ever any doubts in my mind that we are spirit mates, those doubts have been laid entirely to rest. This strange alien who has journeyed from so far away is mine, and I am hers.

Heart, body, mind, and spirit.

Moments or hours pass as we stay joined together as one recovering from our exertions with tremors still traveling through my mate. I’m not sure how long we stay that way, but the next thing I am aware of is my mate humming under her breath as she strokes her fingers over the muscles of my back.

My head is still buried against her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. I take my time to press a long kiss against her skin that ends with a rough swipe of my tongue. The salty taste of her perspiration explodes in my mouth, and I groan as my softening cock begins to thicken again.

Haley laughs softly and the sound washes over me.

I can feel the happiness and contentment bubbling up inside her, and it makes my spirit glad that the worry she has carried around with her all day long has disappeared. At least, for now. I wish for my mate to always be happy and to never worry over anything.

And if it is as I suspect and she wants to return to her home planet, then I must help her. The need to ease her worries makes my stomach clench, and I know exactly what I must tell Haley.

Besides, Haley is too delicate and kind for the harsh environment of Laedirissae. She belongs back on the safety of her planet, and I will find a way to make that happen. I only hope she will allow me to accompany her. I do not care if I live here or on Earth, but I do not want to leave my mate’s side. Even if that means leaving my home and my tribe.

After we finally separate, we finish our soak in the hot spring then don our clothes and begin our walk back to the campsite, I realize now is the time to talk to her about returning to Earth. While we are still alone.

I place a hand on Haley’s arm and say, “I am relieved to see you smiling again, amoris. It pained me to see your worry today.” The gentle smile that had curved her lips disappears and a pang of guilt shoots through me for ruining her happiness.

“I don’t. . . I don’t. . .” She exhales roughly, then continues, “You’re right, there is something that’s been bothering me.”

My mate looks like she has the entire weight of Laedirissae on her shoulders as she takes a deep breath. Her shoulders are drawn stiff with tension, and I wish more than anything that I could ease her. I can’t bear to see Haley suffer anymore, and even though it pains me to think that I might be parted from her, I do not wish for her to ever be unhappy.

I open my mouth and the words tumble out, “I will help you return to Earth.”

“Earth?” She seems startled, her eyebrows arch high on her forehead. “You want me to go back to Earth?”

I chuckle mirthlessly and shake my head. “I do not want you to go anywhere but into my arms, but I wish for you to be happy. If planet Earth makes you happy, then I will do everything in my power to return you to it. I do not know where Earth is or how to acquire a ship to take you there, but I will search the universe in its entirety for the rest of my days to return you to your home if that is what you want. I vow this to you.” I touch a balled-up fist to my chest, right over my second heart where I can feel the essence of Haley settled inside me, as I make my promise to her.

My mate is frozen still and her face is so solemn and almost sad that I wonder if I have made a mistake. I wonder if she will tell me that she doesn’t want my help at all, that she wishes to never see me again. My hearts speed up and doubt creeps into my thoughts.

Then, Haley’s full lips tip up in a soft smile, and she launches herself against my chest with her arms clasped around my neck.

“That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Tears silently fall from Haley’s eyes and streak down her flushed cheeks, and I feel a jolt of alarm that she is hurt before that feeling is quickly replaced with arousal as her mouth fuses with mine in a scorching kiss.

Even though I can feel the smile on Haley’s lips against mine, there is still something not quite right. That same ball of anxiety that suffused my mate’s spirit earlier is still there and its echo burns inside my chest. It has settled over her like a dark mantle hiding the soft seed of happiness trying to blossom inside her.

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